Просмотр полной версии : VPCH high oncogenous risk

vera bogdanova
17.11.2004, 22:46
Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Whether prompt, please, any treatment and treatment of what exactly after following inspection is necessary. The matter is that I have handed over analyses with the purpose to find the reason of the stood pregnancy.

First I have handed over a blood on a -infection. rez-O below.

Antibodies IgG to Toxoplasma gondii are absent

IgG to a rubella (Rubella) 31,41

IgG to CMV 36,90

IgM to CMV are absent

IgG to HSV 1,2 176,25

IgM HSV 1,2 9,17

IgG to Trichomonas vaginalis 5,07

The doctor was guarded with my parameter on herpes. Has recommended to hand over on herpes, etc. infections PTSR the analysis. The analysis which was called detektsija mikrooganizmov as a method polimeraznoj chain reaction (DNA-diagnostics): it is not revealed chlamydias, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma, herpes, a cytomegaly, gonorrheas, trihomoniaza, gardnerelyoza, a candidiasis, the o?-INFECTION of low oncogenous risk. Opposite to the o?-INFECTION of high oncogenous risk there are 4 pluss. On listike TSitomorfologicheskoe research - opposite to the column Changes of cells characteristic for virus infetsii costs or stands a sign on a question and in edin.kletkah

rez-O kolpotsitologicheskogo researches - weakly expressed dysplasia of epitheliocytes or epithelial cells tserviksa Kolposkopicheskoe the conclusion: 1 zone 12 a subepithelial endometriosis

Treatment is appointed or nominated: to accept proteflazid under the scheme or plan of 3 weeks, gepabene 1 h 3. day 30, Deffence Maintenese, Supercompleks, the Sc-formula. For procedures it is necessary to buy in addition still laferon, ointment gerpevir, epigen - an intim, proteflazid, ointment traumel. The endometriosis in opinion of the doctor will be cured with pregnancy. Though during the first reception she to me has told or said, what exactly because of an endometriosis pregnancy did not come. My problem can be in the o?-INFECTION. However I not so in it or this am assured. The o?-INFECTION never disturbed me. And somewhere I prochla, what any factors - my pregnancy could provoke it or her? A currettage 3 weeks ago?

Very much I hope for your advice or council - that to me to treat? VPCH? The Endometriosis? Both that and another? Very dearly or expensively, but I am ready on any treatment and expenses for the sake of the kid. And more - that can mean the important question during pregnancy which at me has stood - the body temperature was 36, 8-36,9? And it is the extremely rare 37,1. The doctor has told or said, what is it there was a signal. And here that the reason was this signal - not clearly, or?

Yours faithfully,
