Просмотр полной версии : Abortion, dvustoronee an inflammation... Whether I Can have children?

10.11.2004, 11:47
4 months ago I had an abortion, scraped out or curetted a uterus twice, nevertheless even a month after were bloody allocation then there was probably remained part of a placenta, and all has stopped. US has shown, that the uterus was reduced normally (she at me two-corned), but is chronic dvustoronee an inflammation and adherent or adhesive process. And to all other also two cysts in a vagina. After operation to me have followed an intensive policy gintamitsina. I am now protected by means of oral contraceptives ZHanin. The cycle was restored. Tell or say, please, I can have children or at such problems it is excluded? And more, whether I can treat to myself netromitsinom to win this inflammation? To the doctor now I can not address by virtue of some reasons.

Age of the beginning of a menses - 12
Duration of a menstrual cycle - 30
Duration of a bleeding - 6 days
Pregnancy - 1 than have ended - an abortion of 5-6 weeks

Yours faithfully

10.11.2004, 16:55
Children can have, when recover. It is necessary to treat a chronic endometritis which is. Gentamycin netromitsin will not help or assist. Here other preparations, in a complex with a physiotherapy necessarily are necessary. Without the doctor it is impossible