Просмотр полной версии : Disturbs moznja

09.11.2004, 11:27
Prompt please, to me till a birth of the child diagnosed sklerokistoz ovaries (a thick environment an ovary and the ovulation does not occur or happen), in a consequence after reception norkalupta, it was possible to me zabereemenet and to give birth to the child. In 5 months after a birth I postaila Naval Forces, now rebeku 2 years, but all time disturb "moznja" between a menses, and strengthening pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly. US has shown that Naval Forces costs or stands correctly, the ovulation at me does not occur or happen on with 11 go on 21 yj day mestruatsionnogo a cycle, at gauging some months successively basalt temperature - too negative results. Can is not present and has washed off in that that at me still costs or stands to Naval Forces? Prompt, 2 go rebeka we as though plan year through 2 (if certainly he will turn out). In advance I thank.

09.11.2004, 22:02
Smearing allocation and a pain - indications to excision of Naval Forces, but it does not mean that it is possible to not be protected - any method if in case of pregnancy will do or make abortion, necessary to use