Просмотр полной версии : Antibiotics and planning of pregnancy

19.10.2004, 00:21
Have conceived the second child. The last month has not left, in it or this an ovulation *quot; on ??O*quot;, and at the husband the lymphadenitis, an antibiotic has started to accept (amoxicillin). To postpone and whether for a long time? Thanks everyone who will respond.

25.10.2004, 12:12
To postpone owing to reception of an antibiotic it is not necessary. And about a lymphadenitis - your husband all over again let is better will recover.

29.10.2004, 22:52
Thanks, Jacob, for the response. A mention of 72 days *quot; oU??na??n*quot;, found on this question on the Internet, cast grief. You have consoled us.