Просмотр полной версии : The stood pregnancy on 11 week

22.10.2004, 20:38
Yesterday to me under medical indications - the stood pregnancy on 11 week have made abortion. Before I two years was treated for primary sterility or barrenness (mirkoadenoma a pituitary body (prolaktinoma). By results of analyses up to pregnancy hormones have come to norm or rate, infections it is not revealed. In the first days of pregnancy (when I did not know about her) there was a strong hormonal explosion - plentiful allocation from a breast. Whether the stood pregnancy could to be provoked by relapse of disease?

Unfortunately, here (I live in China, the politics here is directed on decrease of birth rate) do not do or make the genetic analysis. The doctor has recommended to become pregnant second time. But it would not be desirable, that the stood pregnancy has repeated. How it is possible to prevent it or her? What analyses are necessary for making for this purpose what to do or make, that it is better to be prepared for new pregnancy how to be restored after abortion? Help or assist, please.

With huge respect, Katya