Просмотр полной версии : To leave or to not leave pregnancy on a background of an inflammation

05.10.2004, 16:49
Natali - - ---Pregnancy for 5 weeks, attributes threat of an abortion hurts a loin and brown allocation within a week. A subacute adnexitis of the left ovary and a cavity of the uterus. Last month many medicines in particular drank Peritolum and mezopam. It would be desirable to learn or find out what risk for the child, whether it is necessary to save pregnancy in general. In fact treatment for an inflammation it still antibiotics is necessary still. If is not present, whether that it is possible to manage pharmacological methods, whether term allows.

11.10.2004, 21:19
Anyuta - - ---Dear Natali, try to save pregnancy, especially if she is desired. The adnexitis at pregnancy does not happen, if only you have picked up an acute inflammation, antibiotics are excluded, only a homeopathy. Believe to me, it is much better than antibiotics, at all not being the pregnant woman. On such term happen at the some people brown allocation, but the back pain is not so good sign, more likely on the contrary, but I would recommend to make US the transvaginal gauge, it will not damage or injure;hurt, but all for you will clear up. The more quickly, the better. It is necessary to know in what status a fetus now, as allocation all the same week. In any case urgent consultation of the doctor is necessarily necessary, it is desirable what does or makes US. Remember, if the fetus is amazed or struck by accepted medicines and it poveredilo to the child, pregnancy will interrupt itself. On a background of an inflammation, abortion it is not desirable to do or make extremely. The main thing, do not worry. You in what city live, whether the first is pregnancy and how old are you?

16.10.2004, 07:19
Anna - - ---Natali, unfortunately, there are situations when aspiration at any cost to save pregnancy leads to a birth of the sick child and if he will appear teleorganic this load you should carry on yourselves all life. It is impossible to give in absentia the reference about an abortion, but in your case a combination of several risk factors reception of strong preparations in what term?, attributes of inflammatory process what? And threat of an abortion does or makes the forecast of pregnancy by the extremely adverse. In more details the doctor after internal dialogue with you can solve a question on necessity, terms and a method of discontinuing only.