Просмотр полной версии : Almost constant pain

08.09.2004, 12:33
Zdravstujte! I cannot become pregnant during 3 years. Handed over various analyses - all results were good, only Progesteronum very strongly is raised or increased (the husband is surveyed at it or him that's all right). To me have registered hormonal treatment Three Regolom. Pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly the last autumn have begun. Have diagnosed an adnexitis (before complaints and pains were not), have put in hospital. After that analyses always bad. Results of US different (a hydrosalpinx, tuboovarilnaja a tumour, even there was a suspicion on an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis, a dermoid cyst) with a cyst has not proved to be true it has appeared, that the ovary close adjoins to a pipe and is a little increased. Now everyone me put a floor of year in hospital pierce antibiotics. Results any. A pain now almost constant. What would you advise?

08.09.2004, 20:10
If the acute inflammation is removed or taken off, to help or assist remove or take off pains at a chronic inflammation the physiotherapy can