Просмотр полной версии : Girls, all greetings! Term of 29 30 weeks. I wish to make three-dimensional US. The doctor...

31.08.2004, 00:48
Girls, all greetings! Term of 29 30 weeks. I wish to make three-dimensional US. The doctor speaks that if I want greater accuracy, it is necessary to do or make on 32 34. I have called in the center, and they there have told or said what better to be in time till 32 weeks, and that the baby then will lower or omit to a basin (if I am not mistaken) and worse it will be visible. What do you think in this occasion?

31.08.2004, 21:47
It is necessary to do or make US in 34 36, t. To. Then you receive fuller picture of a locating of the kid before sorts or labors that is very important. If to do or make in 32 - the kid can change then position, get confused in a cord or navel and t. Item, that then it is possible to miss and essentially to complicate labors.

02.09.2004, 13:15
Victoria, I so understand, that you wish to do or make a three-measure not according to plan, and for yourselves, to look or see lichiko, in details to investigate or research all systems of an organism detochki. For this purpose is better to go on 30 j to week, and on 36 j already descend or go on scheduled in ZHK. I too shall not wait - there were 3 weeks up to 30 ti. Success to you.

06.09.2004, 09:51
Girls, it is simple so for itself (without indications) to go on US it is not necessary! Nobody speaks that you bring essential harm to the child, but in fact it is necessary also to understand, that such US with t. z. Physicists or physics. This influence at a molecular level. You present yourselves, what mad fluctuations of atoms, rising of internal energy thus occur or happen. You in fact give an excessive load to the kid. Here to be born - then consider or examine it or him lichiko. Do not hurry event.