Просмотр полной версии : Today at lecture in female consultation, to all pregnant women have declared or announced, that per...

31.08.2004, 11:46
Today at lecture in female consultation, to all pregnant women have declared or announced, that pervorodjashchem without fail will do or make a cut or section at sorts or labors on 1 see Explain, please, what for it or him to do or make by all successively. How it is possible to refuse it or him?

31.08.2004, 22:22
All normally do not worry, it is normal procedure for primapara. And a cut would do or make for that chto-to avoid a colporrhesis!

02.09.2004, 10:10
Nothing is normal. I gave birth or travailled without the cuts or sections, any breaks. It already for a long time is done or made at will if only there is no threat of strong break. If labors will pass or take place normally, without complications, the child not super the giant and threats of strong breaks will not be, anybody will cut nothing you. Do not worry!!!

02.09.2004, 13:41
nadeyus prosto tak rezat ne budut - davno uzhe otkasalis ot etogo metoda vedenia rodov.

04.09.2004, 04:36
This procedure completely not normal. And as interestingly the doctor in advance can know it is necessary to cut of you or not. Yes dejstvietlno, a perineum can rassech, but necessity for it or this can appear only during sorts or labors (a greater or big head at a fetus and t. Item) So do not worry, it is simple so you will be cut by nobody

04.09.2004, 15:31
In all and business that have told or said, what is it a new technique, and will cut all without analysis. It also guards me.

05.09.2004, 20:38
Now a plenty of courses of preparation for sorts or labors, practically everyone prepare for natural sorts or labors, t. e. Without a medical intervention (without stimulation, anesthesia and the more so breaks).