Просмотр полной версии : The analysis wet also pregnancy.....

05.09.2004, 00:34
Prompt, please, that can be:

Pregnancy 3 trimester. For the analysis wet today not reception day, therefore very much I worry Till now all analyses of urine did not frighten: fiber was absent, .1015-1017, Natrii phosphases were defined or determined.

No signs external - are present. But has paid attention to urine. Absolutely not transparent. A portion has collected in a jar. In some hours (3-4) has paid attention, that in a jar urine "was stratified": the deposit (as a flake) albesent color was allocated (much) and from above there was Membranula or film (transparent, as though Adeps). And urine (that in the middle) became transparent. Without a smell.

What is it can be? In fact it is not normal If the usual analysis of anything pathological does not show that what analysis it is necessary to make ?