Просмотр полной версии : Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis during pregnancy

04.09.2004, 06:17
Consult please, very much I experience!...

The mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are diagnosed for me on 26-th week of pregnancy. The doctor has appointed or nominated treatment to me and the husband. But I am am excited very much with a question: how the status of a fetus depends on time inifitsirovanija (and it could occur or happen up to pregnancy, hence, the child developed already in inifitsirovannoj to medium) and which developmental anomalies can be caused or called by the given infections?

To me of 27 years, pregnancy the first and I very much am afraid of problems with her.

In advance many thanks.

04.09.2004, 21:30
Dear Marina, unfortunately, your experiences cannot as-or to affect or influence an outcome of the given pregnancy... But a shred of optimism to have not : observed specially 12 pregnant women with a mycoplasmosis and 10 with a clamidiosis, developmental anomalies it is not revealed. Here one case of a congenital pneumonia was, thanks, neonatologi have precisely worked... By the way, in my opinion confirmed by practice, the majority of cases of threat of an abortion are connected with an infection of anything, it is treated easily enough:) Trust in the attending physician as there was any 12-14 weeks s you mum!

04.09.2004, 23:17
The mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are diagnosed for me on 26-th week of pregnancy.

Marina and how these illnesses or diseases at you are shown? Or in you have suddenly found out (what method?) a mycoplasma, a ureaplasma? Diseases do not diagnose only on presence in an organism of microorganisms which, under certain conditions, can cause or call these diseases. Bessimtomnoe a carriage of these or it and many other things of potentially pathogenic microorganisms is considerably more widespread, than diseases. And at the simple carriage, strengthened "treatment" can bring more harm, than advantage or benefit.

04.09.2004, 23:24
Thanks you for answers. Really, I was not absolutely correctly expressed I am sorry): it is a question of detection in my organism of a ureaplasma and a mycoplasma.

I handed over the paid analysis in the female consultation (on 8 infections), and if I am not mistaken, it was DNA-research a method polimeraznoj chain reaction.

But I at myself never any signs noticed, felt absolutely healthy, and pregnancy proceeded (on my sensations) well.

Thus I handed over the similar analysis the last summer (up to pregnancy and a marriage) - and anything it was revealed not. Hence, the infection could be received only from the husband. But also at it or him no signs are present, as he said he also always felt healthy. Means, in my case it is possible to speak about an asymptomatic carriage? And it is not so terrible? But then treatment can do much harm? And the doctor to me has appointed or nominated the following scheme or plan: erythromycin on 500 mg 4 times a day within 10 days, colloid silver on 1 teaspoon once a day within 4 weeks, terzhinan on 1 tablet within 10 days and bifidofilus flora since 8-th day of treatment on 1 capsule 2 times a day. And to the husband - a doxycycline and colloid silver.

Whether this treatment can harm? Especially me the high dosage of erythromycin - guards an antibiotic all the same

And more such question: what then signs actually a ureaplasmosis and a mycoplasmosis?

05.09.2004, 00:03

First, it would be desirable to note originality of a set of preparations which to you have registered.

Secondly, pregnancy concerns to contraindications of reception of erythromycin (has specially rechecked under the directory).

In the third, yes I, believe, that in your case, the registered treatment can do much harm only.

The mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis are various diseases of genitourinary system (less often than other systems), caused or called by these microorganisms, but in any way not simply found out by means of PTSR a mycoplasma or a ureaplasma.

The help
05.09.2004, 00:06
Dear Vladimir Jakovlevich!

I am compelled or forced to interfere with discussion since your report can lead into error patients.

Erythromycin is not counter-indicative at pregnancy. I do not know, where so it is written, but in the same Vidale it or this is not present. Moreover, erythromycin it is officially authorized to treat a clamidiosis at pregnancy. A dosage and that course dose which is specified in the report. Though now widely apply also more modern makrolidy, for example, vilprafen.

05.09.2004, 00:07
Dear Moderator!

Probably erythromycin "is less harmful" at pregnancy, than norfloksatsin or there Tetracyclinums, but proceeding from below the resulted or brought links on erythromycin he to pregnant women as not Saccharum.

http: // encycl.yandex.ru/cgi-bin/art.pl? art=pharma/rls0005/JEritromicin.html*amp; encpage=pharma

http: // medi.ru/doc/12064.htm

http: // www.mosmed.ru/medic/preparats/akrihin/eritromicin.asp

But the main thing not in it or this.

You the opinion on expediency of carrying out of antibacterial therapy of pregnant women (and not only) only on the basis of qualitative PTSR could not express of diagnostics, without any clinical displays of diseases. (interpreting of results quantitative PTSR diagnostics conversation special).

And also to explain: now so it is accepted to appoint or nominate in a complex with antibiotics colloid silver?

05.09.2004, 00:07
Consult please. At me 9 weeks of pregnancy, analysis PTSR has shown presence an antigen of a urogenital ureaplasmosis. I have transferred or carried this disease 2 years ago. Conception means has occured or happened, when I have already been infected. Tell how much or as far as it it is hazardous to health of the child and how will get rid of this illness or disease?

Yours faithfully, Natalia

05.09.2004, 00:08
Mysterious delusion supported or maintained by doctors (some people), that if at pregnancy that find that in a smear, and before did not find, infection has occured or happened recently (the husband has infected) .ja I know a situation when from for it or this the family has broken up - have found out Trichomonases which before was not.: (