Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! To a question on a bend of a uterus to the left and a ptosis. You...

27.08.2004, 08:16
Dear Tatyana Borisovna!
To a question on a bend of a uterus to the left and a ptosis. You have told or said, that the term " a small ptosis " is not present and have asked, how much to me of years. To me almost 28, in the past to year was an abortion on 18 week, now plan pregnancy. It would be desirable to learn or find out, how much or as far as the metrectopia is dangerous to pregnancy and whether difficulties with conception with this problem (it is tried in 9 months) are connected. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
29.08.2004, 03:44
In 28 years of a ptosis does not happen. You plan pregnancy independently or to you your treating doctor allows to remove or take off contraception??? You are surveyed on nevynashivaniju???

30.08.2004, 21:24
Contraception have allowed to remove or take off in August of the last year. Inspections were such: US of a uterus, zhitovidnoj glands, Progesteronum, Testosteron-Depotum, 17 KS, VPG, TSMV (a blood, IFA), infections (PTSR). Result of it or this in total hormones in norm or rate, VPG, TSMV only IgG (a credit 1 : 200, 1 : 800 accordingly), infections were not, but here recently persdala PTSR, have found a ureaplasma urealiktikum and chlamydias trahomatis (before them did not reveal or tap). A smear 15 20 25 35 leucocytes and a candidiasis. A thrush treated difljukanom, vydeleny and the itch now is not present (and was not). The doctor speaks: become pregnant, instead of it is become pregnant. BT I measure 5 j month. In the first phase 36, 6 36, 7. In the second 37, 0 37, 2. Jump for 15 day, a cycle of 27 28 days, regular. What to do or make further, I do not know. EXCUSE FOR the VAST LETTER.

Malanova T.B.
01.09.2004, 14:41
1. I have not seen in inspection of results of research of permeability of uterine pipes if at you there does not come pregnancy of 9 months, and temperature rectal biphase. 2. What duration of the second phase according to rectal temperature?

04.09.2004, 17:09
1. Permeability did not check. 2. Duration 2 j phases when 14 days, when 9 days. What to undertake? Thanks!