Просмотр полной версии : Consult, please. Last analysis was a trace.: Epithelium pove...

31.08.2004, 08:08
Consult, please.
Last analysis was a trace.:
Epithelium atop and promezh in znach. kol-ve
Leucocytes 20 22 25
Erythrocytes obs
mikloflora poor or scanty, smeshennaja
Trichomonases, gonokokki, a cell about a prize. apitii-obs
psevdomitseli - in znach. kol-ve
Have appointed or nominated Clotrimazolum (suppositories) of 7 days and Nistatinum 0, 54.
Improvement absolutely insignificant. Prompt, than I am ill or sick and that it is possible to undertake. As the big temptation to buy or purchase all at once: difljukan, gino-pevaril, lineks...

Soboleva L.I.
01.09.2004, 23:16
Hello, Tanja! Excuse, but I do not understand why you do not learn or find out the diagnosis from the attending physician? Even if I would not be the doctor, I would not began to be treated, not knowing from what.
On the basis of the analysis it is possible to tell or say, that immet a place inflammatory process. There is a fungic or fungal infection. All at once to accept, certainly, it is not necessary, but the treatment appointed or nominated to you not so is pleasant to me. Nistatinum - high-toxic or highly toxic and now an ineffective preparation. In my opinion it is better to begin treatment with immunomoduljatorov and vitamins, in a week - antimicotic suppositories, then to continue treatment by vitamins and immunomoduljatorami. To appoint or nominate Difljukan at for the first time arisen candidiasis it is not necessary.

03.09.2004, 07:05
If it is possible or probable, advise concrete immunomoduljatory and vitamins. Very much I ask to specify which suppositories to use.

Soboleva L.I.
04.09.2004, 06:23
From immunomoduljatorov it is possible to use tsikloferon (preliminary consultation of the doctor is desirable), immunal (independent reception is possible or probable). Vitamins - Can choose any Polyvitaminums, it is desirable with trace substances. Suppositories: Ginalgin, Klionum D, Ginezol. After - a course vosstanovki microfloras (for example, suppositories Atsilakt).