Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor KAMENETSKY., I am rather grateful to you for such podr...

31.08.2004, 12:38
Dear doctor KAMENETSKY., I am rather grateful to you for such detailed and operative letter! Yes, here and GSG has shown at me permeability mat. Pipes and that you have described, I understand. BUT here to me also does not give rest that I shall pass or shall take place a laparoscopy, and solderings again are formed (it many friends, a cat confirm. Through it have passed or have taken place). A question: so to become pregnant that I shall be in time? (excuse, it can is silly, but I know, that is possible not at once). And then, at me the question has rested only against adherent or adhesive process, all rest both at the husband and at me in norm or rate and opinions of doctors so is cardinally broken a set: who at once on eko and sends an insemination, who poskoitalnyj the test among other things offers. And the some people approve or confirm, that I in general should forget about the solderings, it ostensibly does not influence conception. I have got confused, I do not know, to whom to listen?! I with pleasure would enter the name to you on reception, but I live in Moscow. Can it is necessary to arrive? While I think. Has simply put already reaches nervous failures at me and at the husband (it is already passed and gone through or is taken already place and gone through so much). Excuse for importunity the long letter! I thank you!

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.09.2004, 17:56
Ruslana! The situation is sufficient clearer. I do not think, that at the given stage the internal occurring is required. It seems to me, that the diagnostic laparoscopy should be spent, during which (if such opportunity) dolny to be executed reconstructive manipulations (separation of solderings, etc. will be presented) If after operation the conclusion of the surgeon will be optimistical concerning pregnancy (as a rule it corresponds or meets to the minimal description of surgical actions) it is meaningful to try to become pregnant independently within a year after operation. At absence of the effect, a following stage can be only EKO. Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO you can preliminary enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./

JUlja, 23.
03.09.2004, 22:31
Anovulatory cycle. Sterility or barrenness 1. MKJA. It is surveyed. Accepted Parlodelum 1 month Now its or his level in norm or rate, but the ovulation is not present. It is appointed or nominated MSG. Tell or say please if on her all will be in norm or rate, what waits for me then? The Husband is surveyed, healthy.