Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether Is the hyperplasia endometrija precancerous disease?...

30.08.2004, 06:37
Hello! Whether Is the hyperplasia endometrija precancerous disease? Tell or say, please. How it is treated, or the currettage is better?

Doctor Klimov
01.09.2004, 10:17
Relapsing hyperplasia - an occasion for a diagnostic currettage with the subsequent morphological research. Which, in turn, whether establishes or installs there is there an atypia or not. More in detail on morphology you will be responded by doctor Smirnov.

Smirnov D.R.
02.09.2004, 23:44
It is possible here again. Yes, the glandular hyperplasia and the more so if she has relapsing character, and God forbid there is this or that degree atipii-vysojky risk of an adenocarcinoma endometrija. What tactics of treatment in such cases will respond you doctor Klimov.

03.09.2004, 10:05
Thanks big! I go on a currettage!