Просмотр полной версии : Hello. What best complex of vitamins can be bought or purchased in Moscow d...

31.08.2004, 18:56
Hello. What best complex of vitamins can be bought or purchased in Moscow for reception to the pregnant woman (history: 38 years, the first child 13, 1, 5 years ago an abortion of 12 weeks)

The anonym
02.09.2004, 04:33
Valery, hello! I not the doctor, but shall respond on the example. At me pregnancy of 24 weeks. From the very beginning I accept Polyvitaminums Materna and to your wife I advise, in them the richest complex of vitamins and minerals is collected. I accept them every day. Still it is possible to try or taste Vitrum Prenatal, too a good piece. Materna more dear or expensive, packing (100 tabl) 500 600 rbl. costs or stands. But it costs or stands that. Health to your wife and your future kid. Alina

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.09.2004, 04:53
It is in my opinion most successful Vitrum Prenatal. If there are no constipations - is good Materna.