Просмотр полной версии : To give birth or travail in 40? What AGAINST?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The sister, at last, has found the person with whom wishes to live. Wants the child. He too. Worry only about that to both nearby 40 (her 40, to him 39). Are practically healthy. The sister in a youth had 2 abortions, one abortion (Well, mistakes or errors of a youth!). The husband has a child of 10 years, all OK. What AGAINST? I.e. If she now will become pregnant, will give birth in 41.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The sister, at last, has found the person with whom wishes to live. Wants the child. He too. Worry only about that to both nearby 40 (her 40, to him 39). Are practically healthy. The sister in a youth had 2 abortions, one abortion (Well, mistakes or errors of a youth!). The husband has a child of 10 years, all OK. What AGAINST? I.e. If she now will become pregnant, will give birth in 41.

My grandmother has given birth in 46.

And anything.. Clever djadka with two higher educations.

And in general, probably, it is necessary to consult to experts in real!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Your sister will be included into group pozdnorodjashchih, it is caused by presence of the certain features... Theoretically in this group above percent or interest of children with various deviations or rejections (nageneticheskom a level).

Nevertheless, in the literature labors in the age of 60 years are described also...:)

I think, to your sister to be afraid it will not be necessary, especially, he/she is the desired child. For calm probably to visit or attend together before pregnancy of the doctor of medicogenetic consultation, early statement on the account on pregnancy, observation of pregnancy. Do not forget about screening on pathology SHCHZH, it will be necessary to investigate or research level TTG especially in the first trimester and reception of additional quantity or amount of iodides during all pregnancy.


01.09.2004, 19:30
I.e. If she now will become pregnant, will give birth in 41.

Well and it is perfect. What in it or this can be bad?

The only thing, that doctors usually do or make at observation over pregnant women after 35 years - offer amniotsentez on 15-18 week of pregnancy, for exception of some genetic disturbances which, really, happen slightly more often. More no features in charge of pregnancy are present (Provided that there are no serious problems with health).

Any additional medicogenetic consultation up to pregnancy usually it is not spent. The term *quot; ?n?OnnU?N*quot; it is accepted only in Russia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Mum has given birth to me in 42 years. However, it or she had problems with health during beremennosti-a hypertonia, a nausea, a vomiting, edemas. Therefore she on 7 month of pregnancy had to make cesarean section. And I was born not full-term.

01.09.2004, 19:30
20-years pregnant women too have hypertonia, a nausea, a vomiting, edemas...

01.09.2004, 19:30

Any! Visiting of the doctor-genetics before pregnancy, conducting pregnancy under observation, US, skriningovyj the triad test and carrying out of prenatal diagnostics with the purpose of exception of chromosomal pathologies.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Visiting of the doctor-genetics before pregnancy

In it or this there is no necessity.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In it or this there is no necessity.

Allow to insist on the - damage or injure;hurt it also cannot. But it is possible or probable to you, Yana, more visibly.:rolleyes:

CHyo that it is bad to me
01.09.2004, 19:30
OK. You are a doctor genetik. Why you consider or count, what consultation the genetics is not necessary to the 20-years woman before e, and 40-years is necessary?

01.09.2004, 19:30
OK. You are a doctor genetik. Why you consider or count, what consultation the genetics is not necessary to the 20-years woman before bremennostju, and 40-years is necessary?

If you wish to hear personally my opinion - I consider or count, that consultation is necessary to all primapara (and not only), not depending on age. But it can from that that I very much like the trade:) also I consider or count its or her irreplaceable?

In any case to be reinsured will not prevent to anybody.

01.09.2004, 19:30
What will you search? And what will be B references if you will find something?

01.09.2004, 19:30
What will you search? And what will be B references if you will find something?

It is the professional test?:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30

Michael Jurevich
01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, that I interfere, but I too genetik.

Really consultation genetics before pregnancy will not damage or injure;hurt. It is necessary for definition and prevention *quot; underwater a??N*quot; during gestatsii.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is possible more particularly? What will you prevent and how?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is possible more particularly? What will you prevent and how?

I certainly can try more particularly. As to me such you is pleasant, Yana, deep interest problems of antenatal medicogenetic consultation.

Sense of antenatal medicogenetic consultation - a professional estimation of risk of a birth in concrete family of the child with a hereditary disease or congenital pathologies. And as consequence or investigation - the prevention or warning of birth of children with incurable congenital diseases. In an ideal as I already spoke, - this kind of a medical care is shown to all spouses planning detorozhdenie. But *quot; OOa?y?N*quot; medicogenetic consultation - an extreme rarity. In overwhelming majority of the countries of family address to the doctor genetics only at presence of risk factors - features of family history, a way of life of spouses, a status of their health. The statistics testifies: such *quot; families O??a*quot; - about 10 %.

Such wide indications are caused by the fact: the risk of a birth of the child with a hereditary disease or congenital developmental anomaly is at any married couple at each pregnancy.

This risk develops of many components:

Hereditary load, the mutations arising de novo, ootids occuring or happening in DNA and spermatozoons adverse physical, chemical and so forth influences of an environment on an organism of a developing embryos of similar influences on an embryos from a maternal organism (infectious, endocrine, etc. illnesses or diseases of mother). The elementary estimation *quot; ?ao??nO*quot; will show - any of us has the set forth above risk factors. Therefore also the quantitative estimation of their danger to posterity of concrete family is necessary. Fortunately, in most cases the risk of a birth of the child with a hereditary disease is low - does not exceed 5 %. But to be convinced of it or this medicogenetic consultation allows only. In a number of cases such risk is estimated in higher digits - in the families having otjagoshchennuju a heredity, at vysokoverojatnom action on an organism of spouses of harmful factors of an environment, presence at the woman of some diseases. At such situations medicogenetic consultation is even more actual, as allows to avoid many tragical consequences for family. If consultation is spent before pregnancy after a quantitative estimation of risk of a hereditary and congenital pathology at posterity the family receives references on: to optimum preparation of spouses for pregnancy, individual observation of future mother during pregnancy

Opportunities podverdit or to exclude concrete hereditary diseases at a fetus in the first-second trimesters of pregnancy (see prenatal diagnostics)

If consultation is spent already *quot; on oaOO*quot; the come or stepped pregnancy, that, naturally, speech already goes only about references on observation and prenatal diagnostics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tanja, I too do not understand... The Woman of 40 years planning pregnancy in which family the diabetes mellitis 2 types at the grandmother and an idiopathic hypertensia in family of the husband - that will be received by her as a result of your consultation? In what your consultation will consist?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tanja, I too do not understand... The Woman of 40 years planning pregnancy in which family the diabetes mellitis 2 types at the grandmother and an idiopathic hypertensia in family of the husband - that will be received by her as a result of your consultation? In what your consultation will consist?

I hope, have answered your question.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tanja, forgive or excuse velikodushno-I has understood nothing from your answer. Mainly I have not understood, that you will advise - and on osnvoanii that you budute to give advice or council. Bopee it is-less clear, what at the story about 10 born earlier children with a syndrome of the Down at you that will tell or say to the woman in 40 let-and at the situation resulted or brought by me?

Larissa And
01.09.2004, 19:30
To me too and not clearly, what for zhenshine 40 years to go to genetics before pregnancy.