Просмотр полной версии : Symphyseopathy

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear doctor,

At me a symphyseopathy (a divergence of bones of a pubic joint) after sorts or labors? How after that to be restored?

At me a divergence on 1,1 see I Drink a calcium, a confinement to bed and a pressure bandage on femurs. But for two weeks of a bone refer or have converged all to 2 mm.

Can, what it is necessary to do or make?

01.09.2004, 19:30
During kind old time we used also small doses of vitamin D

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

And small doses is how much?

And still: whether will begin fast zarastanie a fontanel at the baby if I shall continue to accept the Calcium nikomed 3 and I shall add to it or him;them vitamin D? I read, that earlier zarastanie a fontanel - it is not so good.

P.S. Taking an opportunity, I wish to thank you, Galina Afanasevna, for your references on mine shchitovidke during pregnancy. Owing to them I shchitovidka did not deliver to me efforts during pregnancy, and 3 weeks ago I have given birth to the remarkable kid! Thanks you once again!

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, there is no addition of vitamin D to combined preparatu-it too.

But owing to your letter I have reflected here above what - in the first, in the beginning 70 in sight the endocrinologist of the USSR of the woman with postnatal or puerperal anomalies tazovogo bottoms or funduses got rather often (were even already ischeznuvshie the terms united such patients - I in the theory remember some national and geographical parameters, but I am afraid to tell lies).

Now (t.e years 20) they do not appear in our practice. Having glanced in reference books (and I for a long time was going to to look or see this subject), I with summer distinct have not found anything. That vazhno-to us already not feeding women came.

In a word, I ask the help of club - I have absolutely lost track of this subject how in her events now develop?

Waiting + certain exercises?

Mechanical agents? Certain ways of bandaging and the subsequent not medicamental aftertreatment?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Lankom, doctors have sent me reports as to the colleague, thus have emphasized, that methods of modern conducting at all do not include preparations of a calcium and vitamin D, and are directed on bracing of haunch bones, putting off or taking out of a painful syndrome and have mainly not medicamental character.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear doctor,

At me a symphyseopathy (a divergence of bones of a pubic joint) after sorts or labors? How after that to be restored?

At me a divergence on 1,1 see I Drink a calcium, a confinement to bed and a pressure bandage on femurs. But for two weeks of a bone refer or have converged all to 2 mm.

Can, what it is necessary to do or make?

The diagnosis a symphyseopathy in this case is not correct, as does not reflect pathophysiological process. He is lawful during pregnancy, but it already in the past.

Now it is a question about SIMFIZIOLIZE.

Here there is enough information

http: // www.rmj.ru/rmj/t4/n12/4.htm

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors,

Thanks for attention to my problem and the given information. I have read through a material under the specified link. My x-ray film practically same as on .1. Only in this drawing the right bone is displaced downwards concerning the same left bone. And at me these bones are at one level, are not displaced, the distance between them in pervy day after sorts or labors was 1,1 sm, in two weeks - 0,9 see Though, can be not displaced my bones on a x-ray film because I so was laid by the roentgenologist. And if he has tried or tasted, whether bones are displaced, there can be they were displaced? I can not tell or say.

At me the boy of 4 kg in weight was born, probably it and was the reason of my problem.

In resulted or brought clause or article there are some general or common phrases which were to be specified:

- *quot; By means of a physiatrist the patient has learned to avoid the big load on ???o??*quot; - you could not prompt HOW to avoid the big load on a symphysis?

- *quot; the House doctor has found out a pain at pressure upon a symphysis without mobility and has registered a nonsteroid antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparation (NSPVP) *quot; - what is this a preparation and whether it is necessary for me to accept it or him too?

- *quot; strengthening muscles of exercise tazovyh and femoral ?U?*quot; - where it is possible to learn or find out, what it is exercises, I too would do or make them.

In advance thanks!


01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors,

Thanks for attention to my problem and the given information. I have read through a material under the specified link. My x-ray film practically same as on .1. Only in this drawing the right bone is displaced downwards concerning the same left bone. And at me these bones are at one level, are not displaced, the distance between them in pervy day after sorts or labors was 1,1 sm, in two weeks - 0,9 see Though, can be not displaced my bones on a x-ray film because I so was laid by the roentgenologist. And if he has tried or tasted, whether bones are displaced, there can be they were displaced? I can not tell or say.

At me the boy of 4 kg in weight was born, probably it and was the reason of my problem.

In resulted or brought clause or article there are some general or common phrases which were to be specified:

- *quot; By means of a physiatrist the patient has learned to avoid the big load on ???o??*quot; - you could not prompt HOW to avoid the big load on a symphysis?

- *quot; the House doctor has found out a pain at pressure upon a symphysis without mobility and has registered a nonsteroid antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparation (NSPVP) *quot; - what is this a preparation and whether it is necessary for me to accept it or him too?

- *quot; strengthening muscles of exercise tazovyh and femoral ?U?*quot; - where it is possible to learn or find out, what it is exercises, I too would do or make them.

In advance thanks!


-unpack the information under the link and show your treating

To the doctor

It or Him ask the prescription on a preparation of group NSAID/NSPVP

-ask a direction on a physiotherapeutic course, and at fizioterapista find out a question on exercises.

-your diagnosis-???o??????, instead of symphyseopathy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Polonsky,

Thanks you once again.

Unfortunately, my attending physician (the doctor from a maternity home is more exact, diagnosed data) can tell or say nothing moreover, that she to me has already appointed or nominated (a pressure bandage, a calcium and a confinement to bed). However, something is possible or probable she will tell or say about preparations about which speech was above conducted. But strongly I doubt, since I have already given birth, have left and roddomovsky the doctor is hardly strongly interested in further my observation.

The doctor from zhen.konsultatsii where I should come in 2 weeks, I think, it is simply insufficiently competent of the given question. I am afraid, what even simfizioliz they do not know a word. Since conversation all time went about the diagnosis a symphysitis or a symphyseopathy.

Besides at me a confinement to bed, on street I left (more correctly the husband on arms or hand bore or took out) only once when went by US where has learned or has found out, that rate of a convergence of my bones - 1 mm for 1 week.

For these reasons I have addressed for the help on the given server since my usual real doctors cannot help or assist more than that they have already appointed or nominated.

In occasion of a physiatrist. To me have appointed or nominated -violet irradiations in a maternity home. About any exercises there and slyhom did not hear. Since I now houses I continue these procedures med.kvartsevoj a lamp, a physiatrist have told or said, that effect identical.