Просмотр полной версии : Allocation after krio, erosion of ?/m

01.09.2004, 19:30

Several days ago to my wife have made krio (at it or her erosion shejki uteruses). And yesterday along toward evening have appeared not clear allocation: pink color. That before occurrence monthly is far - about ten days. We very much worry. Prompt, what is it can be, and as it is necessary to act.

And also a question: what can cause erosion in this case, and also its or his relapse?

I shall guide some information or inquiries:

1. This day the wife has stumbled on stupenkah, i.e. there was a sharp jerk and as to us doctors have told or said - it is necessary to avoid sharp movements, loads, jerks and so forth

2. The wife about one month accepts to destination the doctor of a tablet *quot; ?aO?N??*quot;, which adjust or regulate a monthly cycle.

3. The wife passed or took place krio second time. First time there was a half a year back.

4. there are some problems with ovaries. Similar on a slow chronic inflammation.

5. The wife yet did not give birth or travail, pregnancy was not, her 21 year, almost 22.

And also:

1. During the moment of failure or accident on Chernobyl she was in Kiev, in the western part of city.

2. Earlier there were strong stressful situations (the second brother two years ago was lost, still earlier - 6 or 8 years before the first was lost).