Просмотр полной версии : So there is an erosion or not?

The lucky beggar
01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Doctors, -that, clear a situation. During pregnancy on a colposcopy erosion has been found out, treatment, certainly, have postponed for the postnatal period. Has passed or has taken place year, on survey erosion again has been diagnosed for the gynecologist. The doctor she has told or said, that small what, maybe, even to cauterize it is not necessary. BUT! On a repeated colposcopy the doctor erosion has not found, only plural cysts on shejke, two of them to me at once have opened. The doctor has told or said, that occasions for trouble are not present, but in couple of months has invited to repeated survey. What does all this mean?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear zorja!

The doctor has told or said, that occasions for trouble are not present, but in couple of months has invited to repeated survey. What does all this mean? The doctor you has not deceived, occasions for trouble are not present.

During pregnancy the hormonal background in an organism and as consequence or investigation can appear erosion changes. After sorts or labors the hormonal background is gradually restored also erosion epiteliziruetsja.