Просмотр полной версии : Erosion

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Help or assist to understand a situation, please. The prehistory is those-1,5 year back-labors (shejku opened manually), in 2 months and 6 months a currettage (a placental polyp and stood on 5 ned.) It has turned out so, that I am observed simultaneously at two doctors-in zhk and in clinic where did or made cleanings. In clinic have told or said that there is an erosion (a colposcopy has made, analyses has handed over, there was a biopsy), there were VPCH, in ostalno m analyses good, infections are not present, flora on a place:) . Type VPCH at once have not defined or determined, there will be a repeated delivery of the analysis. Treatment have offered surgitronom. The problem that the doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist) from zhk which to me was an occasion to trust earlier erosion not stavit.ona speaks that after sorts or labors there is a small eversion of the channel which cannot be knifed since in my case (and I plan the second child) shejku probably it is necessary zashivat.vobshchem, up to the second sorts or labors does not advise categorically to touch or tamper with shejku. Since have found vpch, has appointed or nominated a course genferona, through 2 ned.posle the terminations or endings of a course-. In clinic any treatment did not appoint or nominate in occasion of VPCH.Obsledovanie I shall finish, and here to go on treatment by a radioknife or not, I do not know: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
Write please the conclusion of a colposcopy and a biopsy shejki uteruses.