Просмотр полной версии : Endometriosis

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

Has taken a great interest in your discussion and would like to consult.

To me by results of US have put an endometriosis of a uterus (if I have correctly understood he the adenomyosis is called) and a hysteromyoma. Results of US the following: the uterus the sizes - length of 50 mm, antero-back 37 mm, width of 45 mm, is located in anteflexio in median position, contours precise, equal, a myometrium diffusively non-uniform mainly forward wall due to hyperechoic punctual or dot includings or incorporations and anehogennyh spherical and linear. Nodal education on back walls of a uterus, intersticial or interstitial, homogeneous, gipoehogennyj, compare dimetrom 5 mm. Thickness endometrija (M-echo) of 4 mm, a cavity not rsshirena, is not deformed endometry there corresponds or meets to a proliferative phase, a basal layer precise, equal, shejka - structure or frame homogeneous, the cervical channel is not expanded, endotserviks homogeneous, thickness of M-echo of 9 mm

The right ovary of 37 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, is located in a typical place, a stroma homogeneous, follicles in enough, sr by diameter 5 mm

The left ovary of 38 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, is located in a typical place, a stroma homogeneous, follicles in the raised or increased quantity or amount, average diameter 3-4 mm

TSvetovove kartirovanie and dopplerometrija - endometry, endometry, endotserviks, a stroma of ovaries avskuljarny

The conclusion - an endometriosis of a uterus, a hysteromyoma.

Under other analysis in me have found out a thrush. My attending physician has appointed or nominated to me a course from a thrush (Nistatinum, pimafutsin). Then has told or said, that we shall treat in current of 9 months an endometriosis djufastonom. Then it will be possible to become pregnant and give birth. To me of 26 years, children are not present, but it would be desirable. Now as has told or said the doctor it sterility or barrenness is impossible, as at me, will be possible or probable only after sootvestvujushchego treatments. Well and in after a birth of the baby she has told or said, that I should remove a uterus because to get rid from -for and myomas in another way nevozmozheno.

Me such radical merja confuse a little. What for then 9 months lechin if he all the same remains??? And it is possible or probable dli excision of a myoma without excision of a uterus? Whether besides there is enough US for statement of such diagnosis? Can any researches are necessary still? Whether Prada, that at an endometriosis and such myoma it is impossible to become pregnant and what is incurable?

In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30

I also doubt of necessity of so radical approach.

The US research informative enough method, but also this research allows to assume presence of an adenomyosis only. Where more important to know data of a clinical picture, and results of ultrasonic research - more likely addition. What you really disturbs, except for opinion of your doctor of US-diagnostics?

The adenomyosis (endometriosis) very seldom is the reason of sterility or barrenness, and pregnancy is even original *quot; ?N?N??N*quot;, because for a long time or sometimes - for ever levels displays of disease.

Neither the adenomyosis nor a hysteromyoma in itself are not the indication to operation. Operation is meaningful, only if these diseases result or bring, for example, in an anemia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana, thanks big for the answer!

, to tell the truth, in general nothing disturbs me. At me long monthly, but I have already got used, besides not so plentiful and painless. And more I am am confused with treatment djufastonom. What by-effects can be and how much or as far as it is effective?


01.09.2004, 19:30

The bleeding duration till 7 days is a norm or rate.

Djufaston it is applied at treatment of an endometriosis besides it is analogue of a natural hormone of Progesteronum which is recommended not only for treatment of an endometriosis, but also at threat of an abortion - that is if you will become pregnant on a background of its or his reception, no unpleasant consequences will exist. At application of this preparation duration and size of a hemorrhage (it is plus) decreases, but there can be small acyclic bleedings, in the further this can be avoided, having changed a dose.

And more - Djufaston it not a contraceptive. If in the near future pregnancy do not plan, it is necessary to remember it or this.