Просмотр полной версии : Endometriosis, Zoladeks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear doctors!

First time at your forum. Has received a lot of helpful information. If there is time, you could not respond to some my questions?

It is a little about itself: to Me 23 years. One week ago have made a laparoscopy-excision of a cyst of the right ovary in diameter 12 see As a result of operation the endometriosis of 4 degrees has been found out. Coagulation of the centers of an endometriosis has been spent.

Today have removed or have taken off a seam.

Following treatment within 6 months is appointed or nominated: ??anN?-injections under a skin of 1 times in 28 days. Sanatorium treatment: radon baths. And urgent rekommendatsija the doctor - to become pregnant practically at once after the termination or ending of application Zoladeksa.

My questions:

1. How much reliable is Zoladeks, whether it is possible to win really an endometriosis with its or his help?

2. Whether radon baths are necessary to me?

3. Whether really it is necessary to become pregnant quickly for final disposal of an endometriosis (I am absolutely not ready to giving birth or travailling to the child in the near future)?

z.y.: About an endometriosis, laparoscopies, etc. has learned or has found out about 5 days ago, therefore I ask me to forgive or excuse for mine serost (if I not so understand something or I speak).

With impatience I wait for answers.

The pharaon
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Juliette!

It would be desirable to learn or find out for the beginning - the cyst endometrioidnaja is a histological answer or the visual assumption of the doctor during operation. Whether biopsies from the centers on a peritoneum, in places of coagulation are taken?

Zoladeks as the preparation is very quite good in treatment of an endometriosis though cost is high, not all on a pocket.

On the bill of baths - something for a long time about them was not audible, though most likely will not damage or injure;hurt.

And here on the bill of pregnancy - a question disputable. Often the endometriosis is an obex to conception. Not the secret, that ingda an endometriosis is the indication to operative treatment, down to excision of a uterus, etc. (I shall not frighten in advance) .esli at you the child - for physicians will be born, and for you is much easier - it is possible to expand a circle of applied techniques. And here - here as the god will send influence of pregnancy on development of an endometriosis. Sometimes he regresses (but does not disappear), and sometimes sharply progresses. Pregnancy is not a method of therapy of an endometriosis

Kuznetsova Olga
01.09.2004, 19:30
It is unique an effective method of the further treatment in your case application of agonists Gonadotropinum- of hormones (to which concerns and zoladeks) is. These preparations frame time or temporary *quot; ?N?aO?O*quot;, i.e. completely switch off hormonal function of ovaries. From here their medical and by-effects. Unfortunately on 100 % to cure an endometriosis it is practically impossible.

In occasion of pregnancy - it completely agree with kalachev.

In occasion of radon baths-???????

01.09.2004, 19:30

Thanks you big for answers.

Results of a histology will be in some days.

If the endometriosis is practically incurable, that to me to do or make??? To me 23 years and at me 4. An endometriosis. Within 6 months to me will enter Zoladeks, and what then???

I in horror...

01.09.2004, 19:30
As it is sad, but you need to be we prepare that pregnancy will come or step only by means of EKO.

01.09.2004, 19:30
By the way, probability of offensive or approach of pregnancy at EKO at women with serious forms of an endometriosis above after therapy agnrg.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry for ignorance, and that such *quot; therapy aa?Ea*quot;?

And if you know, prompt please, how much stages at an endometriosis? Mine - the latest?

And still, applying Zoladeks, whether there is a probability to become pregnant in the natural way?

p.s.: So much the new and unexpected information for last week: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry for ignorance, and that such *quot; therapy aa?Ea*quot;?

This treatment Zoladeksom and preparations from the same group.

And if you know, prompt please, how much stages at an endometriosis? Mine - the latest?


And still, applying Zoladeks, whether there is a probability to become pregnant in the natural way?

The probability is always. But in this case she is small enough.