Просмотр полной версии : The help is necessary

01.09.2004, 19:30

The dear doctor, I wish to ask to you a question, I shall begin with the beginning:

To me of 28 years. Has addressed for the help to doctors in occasion of pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly + there did not come pregnancy), during isledovany have found out an internal endometriosis, hormones all in norm or rate, the truth have revealed still a thrush, but it or her have quickly treated.

As to me the doctor has persistently recommended treatment by leeches, unfortunately results of US have not changed, the truth the general or common state of health has improved, the doctor from the very beginning offered a surgical intervention as all results on hormones at me in norm or rate, now I at all do not know the truth can to agree to operation also, or there are still chances of usual treatment?

Here the last isledovanie uzi.

Isledovanie it was spent for 5 day of a cycle vaginalnym by the gauge.

Uterus of the average sizes, 503950 mm, M-echo in the form of a thready stria, its or his contour not absolutely precise, structure or frame of a myometrium, mainly back wall macrogranular, raised or increased ehogennosti. In shejki uteruses, endotservikalno, are closer to internal fauces, ehonegativnoe education with precise konturama 74 mm.

In the left ovary liquid education with contents in the form of *quot is saved; o?oN??*quot;, precise to contours 554550 mm. On one of stenok vysokoehogennyj a site 13617 the mm pressing a lumen of a cyst. In the right ovary two ehonegatvnyh educations with precise contours 382030 mm and 18 mm in size

The conclusion of the doctor: cysts of both ovaries. At the left - most likely, endometriodnaja a cyst with mjagkotkannym a component on one of stenok. On the right - most likely folikuljarnye cysts. A cyst shejki uteruses. An adenomyosis?.

It was any more the first uzi for last 3 months of treatment. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me Djufaston, I accepted priparat two times, but at me with the first tablet began *quot; ?a?aOy*quot;, and further were monthly in both cases, uzi any deviations or rejections has not found out. The doctor that treated me leeches, has dropped such phrase, that she does not understand what for to me have appointed or nominated hormones after that any doubt as the preparation obviously does not approach or suit me, but the doctor it or him has crept in does not cancel,

What will advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: Tomik


The dear doctor, I wish to ask to you a question, I shall begin with the beginning:

To me of 28 years. Has addressed for the help to doctors in occasion of pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly + there did not come pregnancy), during isledovany have found out an internal endometriosis, hormones all in norm or rate, the truth have revealed still a thrush, but it or her have quickly treated.

As to me the doctor has persistently recommended treatment by leeches, unfortunately results of US have not changed, the truth the general or common state of health has improved, the doctor from the very beginning offered a surgical intervention as all results on hormones at me in norm or rate, now I at all do not know the truth can to agree to operation also, or there are still chances of usual treatment?

Here the last isledovanie uzi.

Isledovanie it was spent for 5 day of a cycle vaginalnym by the gauge.

Uterus of the average sizes, 503950 mm, M-echo in the form of a thready stria, its or his contour not absolutely precise, structure or frame of a myometrium, mainly back wall macrogranular, raised or increased ehogennosti. In shejki uteruses, endotservikalno, are closer to internal fauces, ehonegativnoe education with precise konturama 74 mm.

In the left ovary liquid education with contents in the form of *quot is saved; o?oN??*quot;, precise to contours 554550 mm. On one of stenok vysokoehogennyj a site 13617 the mm pressing a lumen of a cyst. In the right ovary two ehonegatvnyh educations with precise contours 382030 mm and 18 mm in size

The conclusion of the doctor: cysts of both ovaries. At the left - most likely, endometriodnaja a cyst with mjagkotkannym a component on one of stenok. On the right - most likely folikuljarnye cysts. A cyst shejki uteruses. An adenomyosis?.

It was any more the first uzi for last 3 months of treatment. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me Djufaston, I accepted priparat two times, but at me with the first tablet began *quot; ?a?aOy*quot;, and further were monthly in both cases, uzi any deviations or rejections has not found out. The doctor that treated me leeches, has dropped such phrase, that she does not understand what for to me have appointed or nominated hormones after that any doubt as the preparation obviously does not approach or suit me, but the doctor it or him has crept in does not cancel,

What will advise?