Просмотр полной версии : External genital endometriosis, adenomyosis

01.09.2004, 19:30

To me of 30 years. At me an external genital endometriosis, an adenomyosis, adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. In April have been made a laparoscopy and giteroskopija. The cyst of the left ovary is removed endometrioznaja. The endometriosis amazes or strikes uterine ligaments or cords, a peritoneum, ovaries. It is found out pozadisheechnyj an endometriosis. It is appointed or nominated Zoladeks to 6 month. Earlier disturbed very strong pains. It became now easier. There was one nyxis. Very much I am afraid of relapse, homing hurt. The doctor advises to give birth or travail, but, first, I already have a child, secondly, opinions of doctors about sorts or labors as about a method of treatment of an endometriosis, are ambiguous.

1. What can you advise concerning prevention of possible or probable relapse? Also what to do or make, if such nevertheless will occur or happen?

3. Whether operation on excision of a uterus will reduce painful sensations?

4. Whether (Novosibirsk) the method of a hyperthermia was applied to treatment of an endometriosis? What results?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Pregnancy is not a method of treatment of an endometriosis!

In some cases it is necessary to delete a uterus with appendages! (Seldom).

About a method of a hyperthermia of anything I can not tell or say.

Application of oral contraceptives and nonsteroid resolvents can be sufficient for a cupping of a painful syndrome.

Valentina D.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer!

It tried to be treated by oral contraceptives and nonsteroid resolvents in current of year - does not help or assist. Only the physiotherapy gave simplification and that only for a month.

Heard, that there is a technique suppression of nerves. The doctor offers poprobyvat. Whether really after its or her application there is a cupping of a painful syndrome?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Oral contraceptives and NPVS were before operation? After operation they probably will help or assist. Crossing of sacrouterine ligaments or cords or presakralnaja a neurectomy are effective at median pains.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Izvenite, I not the doctor and c concept *quot; median i??*quot; I collide or face for the first time. If median pains are meant as pains which irradirujut in a loin, a rectum and a femur and have constant character it just those pains which are observed at me.

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; ?ONn???UN*quot; in this case, it is pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly above a pubis.