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01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, I am am disturbed with such question: monthly have begun in 13 years, were every month, but not with small delays, the cycle changed from 31 till 40 days. Monthly often are morbid, the stomach or belly very or very much hurts, tablets practically do not help or assist, toshnit, just in the first day. Now to me 19, a floor of year was a greater or big delay (two months) back and I have addressed to the gynecologist, have been made by US (a uterus the sizes 4,42,5 sm, the left ovary 4,41,68, the right ovary 3,81,6; all rest in norm or rate). Treatment has been spent and through a floor of year I have repeatedly handed over analyses of US (a uterus the sizes 4,62,9 sm, the left ovary 3,91,8, the right ovary 3,81,6; all rest in norm or rate).

Repeated treatment is necessary (for development of a uterus), the gynecologist has told or said, that at me a zero stage. What is it means? Whether with it or this are connected morbid monthly? Whether the sizes of a uterus can be connected with specific features (the matter is that on the first US the doctor has made such assumption), as body height at me 160, weight of 47 kg and in general I look or appear much less than the age? And what treatment will be the most effective?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is necessary for you will be checked up on a clamidiosis. For it or him premenstrual pains and an oligotrophy of a uterus are characteristic. It is solved. But hardly. Where do you live?

01.09.2004, 19:30

The given US it is not enough to be defined or determined with the diagnosis and to recommend treatment. The normal conclusion contains three sizes of ovaries (length, width, thickness) it it is necessary to define or determine their volume. To you hormonal research was carried out?

Than were treated?

01.09.2004, 19:30

Can, something brand new to idea *quot; chlamydias - the reason o?Nu*quot; will add?


01.09.2004, 19:30

Similar cases in our practice are banal so, that my subordinates (by no means, not homeopathists) do not consider it necessary to inform at all me of entering such patients and to address to me for consultation for their homeopathic conducting. The conventional diagnosticums on a chlamydia, meanwhile, at all are not maintained by critics or criticisms. On any fence it is written, that the basic kind of chlamydias of the person is C.trachomatis. Meanwhile, in a real life reticular teltsa includings or incorporations, morfolgicheski corresponding or meeting C.trachomatis vsrechajutsja hardly probable in 1 % of cases of revealing. Apparently, while our nice or famous genetics and immunologists beat in drums or reels in occasion of high accuracy of the diagnosticums concerning C.tr., it or her a certain kind from raznosherstnoj the group carried to C.psittaci (unlike C.tr., C.ps. - not has on the sly superseded a kind, and something like a dump not identified shtammmov, passed through animals and transaeralno). And you (unlike me) do not have any way to reveal at sick a clamidiosis, if he a unknown kind. At the best, you can suspect it or him on the basis of absolutely distinct or clear simtomatiki. From here and idiotic myths about illnesses or diseases without the external reasons which have hammered into to you a head and as their consequences or investigations, idiotic methods of their treatment. Business is has reached or cunning that the healthy woman in streets of city vsterit is more difficult, than a goat! Would think better, whence that has undertaken, than kurazhitsja!

I tried to define or determine a level infitsirovannosti women of genesial age on some indirect data. As consider or count, less than 50 % it is impossible. I believe, the real digit can reach or achieve 70 % (i.e., practically everyone at whom is not present congenital or blagopriobretennogo immunity), and for accepting OK - under 80-90 %.

Now here has decided to specify, in what part of cases alginidismenoreja (pains before and in the first day of a menses) are caused by chlamydias - has advertized in gazetku, de skat, *quot; we treat it nN?*quot; (and we treat, and very much for a long time). On the basis of our contingent 100 % (perhaps, with the small amendment on an error diagnosiki) turn out. But our contingent - generally *quot; o??a?y?UN*quot; hlamidiozniki. Those who has this syndrome of irrespectively exposed diagnoses Here will come. However, I do not doubt, that the result will appear very close to 100 %.

Zina Merz
01.09.2004, 19:30

Than you differ the test-system from standard? What else establishment uses your diagnosticums?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Unlike standard (genetic and immunologic) the test-systems, sensitivity of ours does not depend neither from serologicheskih, nor on specific parameters of the originator. We see physical presence of the originator at a cytoplasma - approximately the same as at painting on romanovskomu-u???N. But method r.-u. It is long and whimsical. As consequence or investigation - its or his results are not stable, sensitivity is not so high, and he is not popular. Our method is fast (5-10 minutes), is unpretentious and very reliable.

Besides we never select a material soskobami, and we take *quot; ??ONuOa?y?UN*quot; cavitary smears without application of mirrors. This or thus in itself sharply increases or enlarges reliability since soskob gives the information only about presence/absence of the originator on a small scrap mucous, we use natural ability of an organism easily to tear away the infected epithelium in places where solderings had not time to be generated yet. In view of that chlamydias amaze mucous not diffusively, and locally (in the form of the centers), very much can be, that mucous in a place soskoba will be pure or clean, and all in polusantimetre from it or him will be full of chlamydias. Thus, we select much more representative sample, than what gives soskob.

As a result we find chlamydias much more often. That, what is it really chlamydias proves to be true uniformity of clinic and precise correlation between her and results of analyses, including, at the same patients. Besides *quot; o??a?y?U*quot; and *quot; ?No??a?y?U*quot; the clamidiosis recovers in the same way. And to speak that revealed or taped by us tsitoparazity are not hlamidiijami, and something or something else, there are no bases.

We do not disclose the technique. There is no sense. It is necessary to make before accessible effective methods of treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Thanks for answers.

Treatment - a medicine from a placenta (precisely I do not remember), an aloe, vitamins A, E, With, 1 and 6.

The sizes in a map of ultrasonic inspection are specified only on two, hormonal inspection was not spent.

Still I wish to specify, that a sexual life I do not conduct.

How it is possible to catch a clamidiosis? Hurt me in general from the very beginning of monthly (from 13 years)?

And more time I wish to repeat the question: what is the zero stage? Somewhere it can be possible to esteem about it or this?

In advance thanks,

01.09.2004, 19:30
About *quot; zero ?Oan??*quot; - I shall not tell or say. Probably, it something personal at your gynecologist.

And the clamidiosis can be passed by various household ways and even to be inherited. Ask mum: whether eyes soon after a birth suppurated at you and whether there were pneumonias on the first-second to year of a life, and also *quot; n?aON?a*quot; in the childhood. Besides specify, whether is not present at it or her morbid monthly and-or an idiopathic hypertensia.

All the same, where do you live?

01.09.2004, 19:30

Thanks for the answer.

I answer your questions:

Eyes soon after a birth did not suppurate, the pneumonia was not.

In one year there were allergic reactions to fiber (milk) which soon have passed or have taken place.

The idiopathic hypertensia at mum is not present, morbid monthly happened in a youth.

I live in Ukraine since 1992.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Let's hope, what is it not since a birth.

But Ukraine, taki, greater or big (though and there is less than Russia). I here, for example, plan a trip to Crimea on affairs in the beginning of autumn (if, certainly, pridurkovatye governors by then will not declare or announce yours of Russia war). If you lived somewhere in Alushte, it would be possible to understand with your problems.

Irina Tishchenko
01.09.2004, 19:30

Me more some questions still. The diagnosis is so unequivocal and there can not be other reasons? Also what is worse if it since a birth? And if there is not a basic kind of a clamidiosis (C.trachomatis) he can be and is not revealed? (I have in view of consultation in small small towns). I live not in Alushte (and it is a pity!), and it is far from Crimea, in the north of Ukraine, really to you something will tell or say the name of my small city? Can you will advise, where there are good centers of diagnostics t treatments in Ukraine, likely it is Kiev and why you have mentioned Alushtu?

Our governors will not declare or announce war it precisely vrjadli, in fact who will go against huge and strong Russia?

Thanks for answers,

The loony
01.09.2004, 19:30
Angelina, do not hurry to declare or announce a crusade against chlamydias, be they trahomatis, psitatsi or even a chlamydia of a pneumonia. Dvorjanchikov suffers the youthful, obviously infantile nihilism involved on maximalism. The only thing in what is complex or difficult to give up to him, so it in gift or for nothing of belief, and that only such as you, the ignorant inhabitants frightened by problemmoj. Experts-professionals for a long time have learned *quot; o??yOOoaOy*quot; its or his revelations. Which you have described a syndrome is called dismenareja. The reason of its or his development, obviously, is hormonal disbalans and specific features of your vegetative nervous system. For carrying out of effective therapy certainly it is desirable to exclude series of the diseases often accompanied dismenareej, among which are available a syndrome of a chronic anovulation (SPKJA as a variant), an endometriosis of various localization and many other things statuses. For statement of the diagnosis it is necessary to analyse a lot of information, such as your weight and body height, character of a scalp on anticnemions, predplechii and a stomach or belly, presence on a skin of extensions. Except for it or this it is necessary to know as at you ripen in ovaries follicles (blisters or blebs with sex cells), and so on. But in your case there is one restriction to the profound studying your status. Pregnancy and labors are coming you in the future. Therefore, from my point of view, to you there will be sufficient a symptomatic therapy at the given stage of a life. To anesthetize the period of a menses it is possible preparations from group so-called not steroid resolvents. To them concern: Indomethacinum, Diclofenac, Ortafen, Brufenum, and so on. They are accepted to 2-3 days up to a menses, and 2-3 more days in its or her current proceed. If effect from them not full then it is expedient to resort to reception of hormonal contraceptive preparations. I recommend the patients Logest or Three-?NO??. But it is necessary that to you your gynecologist has appointed or nominated.

As a rule it or this happens enough to cope dismenareej at not given birth or not travailled girl.

And a clamidiosis, especially ostensibly congenital, ostavte in rest.

01.09.2004, 19:30

The diagnosis is so unequivocal and there can not be other reasons?

The diagnosis is rather probable, since the clinic is typical. To specify it or him it is necessary the analysis.

Also what is worse if it since a birth?

For some reasons, consequences of a congenital clamidiosis are eliminated or erased;removed more difficultly. Besides the experience of disease as those matters.

I live not in Alushte (and it is a pity!), and it is far from Crimea, in the north of Ukraine, really to you something will tell or say the name of my small city?

Probably, will tell or say. For example, if there there passes or there takes place a line (or ZHD), connecting or bridging Moscow or the Volga region with Crimea.

Can you will advise, where there are good centers of diagnostics t treatments in Ukraine?

I can not.

... And why you have mentioned Alushtu?

Because we assume to pass there some of our technologies to close *quot; Ukrainian Oi?N?O*quot;.


Dvorjanchikov suffers the youthful, obviously infantile nihilism involved on maximalism.

Before to be drawn with such *quot; n?au??a??*quot;, you all over again though in gynecology have understood!

Experts-professionals for a long time have learned *quot; o??yOOoaOy*quot; its or his revelations. Which you have described a syndrome is called dismenareja.

*quot; a???N?aONn*quot; it is written through *quot; *quot;, *quot; ?N?a???O*quot; you such!

The reason of its or his development, obviously, is hormonal disbalans and specific features of your vegetative nervous system.

Aha! To a foresight refer!

Therefore, from my point of view, to you there will be sufficient a symptomatic therapy at the given stage of a life. To anesthetize the period of a menses it is possible preparations from group so-called not steroid resolvents. To them :...

Register it to the girl-friend (will be chances *quot less; ?a?NONOy*quot;)! Be not able to treat - be not put with references!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Izvenite for spelling bezgramatnost. But you bezgramatnost professional is more dangerous. Though that it or her to have, it is necessary to be the professional, and it not about Dvorjanchikova.

To professionals and Angelina reokmenduju to see or overlook clauses or articles.

http: // www.consilium-medicum.com/media/gynecology //01_04/130.shtml

http: // www.consilium-medicum.com/media/gynecology //01_04/133.shtml

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is good p-: to not know a writing or spelling of the banal gynecologic terms and to place sick women on hormones with analgetics! Or, can, will tell or say, what though one such bedalagu could cure? And, *quot; Oo?*quot;?

01.09.2004, 19:30

Feodor Vl
01.09.2004, 19:30
I hope, you understand a difference between *quot; oU?N??Oy*quot; and *quot; ?a?a?aOy*quot;? However, you, similar, do not understand, that algodismenoreja - the sign of one of serious diseases always is and consider or count, that this *quot; i?N??y*quot; only to pains also it is limited.

Olga To
01.09.2004, 19:30
To Dr. Sed

Offered by you *quot; ?N?N??N*quot; - a marasmus of the cleanest or purest water. At ourselves we treat a clamidiosis a little differently, than Dr. Dvorjanchikov - we do or make an emphasis on helevskie preparations, but results basically are similar. And any lady cured under prescriptions, similar to yours.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If business was only in Sed'! It is a universal marasmus. Therefore, healthy women now is not found almost. By the way, at the women accepting OK, even the clamidiosis comes to light or is taped by poor diagnostic agents at 1.5-2.0 time more often. And it is not so much because they are careless, how much because OK often appoint or nominate to cover a symptomatology, in normal way not having surveyed on ZPPP. De-, algodismenoreja - a variant of norm or rate. And thus, depending on a sexual accessory or belonging, refer to itself or on own wife. In - stydoba!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Children or Guys, and at you diplomas in the termination or ending of medical institute are?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is not surprising, that you doubt. Here just explained Ivkoko who is the allopathist in professional sense.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And here I offer a bet:

We take 5 women with algodismenoreej. If I do not cure from them even 3 (without hormones and analgetics, certainly) - I for ever leave medicine, say, in veterinarians and if I cure, you (though, to cows you too to admit dangerously). Goes?

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. You, Evgeniy have not responded, whether there are at you diplomas in the maximum or supreme medical education.

2. How to check efficiency?

3. On my eyes, the woman, it is long suffered one of forms megreni, have immediately helped or assisted, having allocated or removed from it or her decay, at least she has declared wonderful effect.

Simply Vladimir, in difference from you I, to a greater or lesser extent, understand, as why occurs or happens at the given status, and causes a specific symptomatology. Proceeding from this knowledge I take or spend therapy. And at you all *quot; homeopathic effect... *quot;, toest, feature you do not understand.

Your contingent are women with the astable mentality, strongly inclined to suggestion. It or him all peerly than to treat, the main thing that with them communicated, suetilis, rustled...

01.09.2004, 19:30
On my eyes, the woman, it is long suffered one of forms megreni... Proceeding from this knowledge I take or spend therapy.

What there knowledge! You at all do not know, how words *quot are written; n???N?ONn*quot; and *quot; ??uON?y*quot;! So, about your diploma and to ask senselessly. Without dependence from that is *quot; O??nN??*quot; you it or him in honey, or have bought or purchased in the underground - on the maximum or supreme medical you do not pull already for this reason. Therefore I also wish even from you to relieve medicine and I offer a bet. About myself - I already many times declared, that I do not give about myself any personal data. Including, and concerning or touching educations. And for you exceptions to do or make it is not measured or going. So, I give this subject entirely to your imaginations.