Просмотр полной версии : The sizes of a fetus on uzi mismatch term

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! Just now looking through in an Internet of norm or rate uzi has noticed that at us catastrophic backlog...

Pregnancy at the moment of carrying out uzi was 27 weeks, and length of a femur of all for 20 weeks (DB 32.2)

I in a shock, what is it all mean?, and the doctor in the conclusion has written that this parameter corresponds or meets to term of 27 weeks and 6 days...

How it to understand?

BPR 69.3 like in norm or rate for term, but here with a femur a problem or I that not so understand that can?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The length of a femur is really small for 27 ned. Try to alter US in other establishment, it is better in the medicogenetic center.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1 in this case it is important to know an exact duration of gestation

When there was a first day of last monthly, whether was spent uzi in the first 12 ned pregnancy and whether it corresponded or met to a duration of gestation

2 it agree with the colleague oneobhodimosti repeated research

The length of a femur 27-should be 51 mm