Просмотр полной версии : Polyp

01.09.2004, 19:30
I had a suspicion on a polyp endometrija uteruses (on US for 6-th and 11-th day of a cycle with a difference in a month in different clinics), but also in that and in other case spoke, that is not exact, only suspicion on a polyp. In 2,5 months has made in other clinic the third US for 24-th day of a cycle, and there have told or said, that no polyp is present also all in norm or rate, only a bend of a uterus.

All the US have been made and atop of a stomach or belly and vnutrivaginalno.

At me such question:

Whether can be, what for 24-th day of a cycle of a polyp it is not visible?

Or if the polyp is, it or him it is visible on US in any day of a cycle?

Respond, pozhaljsta. Lina.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Concerning diagnostics of polyps I have written you the answer to a question on an aspirate

Small polyp really not always probably to see in 2 phase of a cycle for this purpose and there are those researches about which I has mentioned earlier

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks you for the answer.

It is a pity, that in 2-nd phase mal.polip it is possible and to not see.

Because the doctor who did or made US, has told or said with confidence, what the polyp is not present, and what if he was, it is visible on US in any day of a cycle (whether the polyp is visible, whether any changes caused by a polyp in a picture of US) .poluchaetsja, what he is wrong?