Просмотр полной версии : Labour pain relief.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Evstifeeva Hope Borisovna (hor@demo.ru) - - ---It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether there are now safe for a fetus methods of a labour pain relief? Hope, 23

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alex - - ---Dear Hope Borisovna, your question on safety of a labour pain relief for a fetus, and not only - it is very typical for the women dreaming of sorts or labors without risk and a pain. In view of of some objective and partly the subjective reasons questions of labour pain relief OR in Russia and as a whole in the postSoviet space long time did not concern to a category of the most actual. Really, at that standard of living, equipment of medical institutions, labors under anesthesia are usually spent under cleanly medical indications. As to desire of the woman to give birth or travail without a pain, or, at least, to reduce sufferings in sorts or labors up to quite transferable or tolerable level for this purpose in the state public health services was not and for the present there is no corresponding or meeting clause or article of charges. Accordingly, at our doctors left the Soviet school of obstetrics, concept of a labour pain relief at will of the parturient woman, how much or as far as I remember, did not exist. In the countries of rotting capitalism read civilized, however, technologies OR today have reached or achieved the perfection that allows to use them without risk for mother and, naturally, for a fetus practically at everyone if there are no contraindications to procedure. It as to the basic objective reasons. Subjective: by the experience I am engaged OR about 10 years doctors-, especially senior generation, morally are not absolutely ready to conducting such sorts or labors, not that that there would be no professionalism, easier kind quiet, without the suffering look, quite often smiling parturient woman in fights deduces or removes them akusherov from a usual track. On the other hand, for carrying out of painless sorts or labors, the expert always is required and the professional the anaesthesiologist who participates during sorts or labors is even better and bears the serious responsibility, alongside with akusherom, for their outcome. On the last not all have enough boldness, and the main thing of experience. I have depicted the average situation, however a life prevails, and at present in the country there is a considerable quantity or amount of the clinics widely practising labors without a pain at will, in most cases for the certain payment. However before to be solved on it, I recommend to take an interest, as methods OR in the given clinic often are applied, it is very quite good, if they are routine already during not less than 5 years. It is very important to meet beforehand your future anaesthesiologist who will thoroughly show you the ropes. Now immediately I answer a question. The general or common principle is those: if it is a question of normal sorts or labors in medicine they are called physiological negative influence of anesthetizing agents on a fetus at modern technology and standards should not have a place. On the contrary, the fetus is under the certain protective action and suffers less. Certainly, he also receives "portion", but so insignificant, that clinical visible attributes at a birth it is not found out. In the certain situations, usually when OR it is appointed or nominated under any medical indications from mother, more often at cesarean section, the child can be born in a status of an easy or a light;a mild dream, the last, however, does not represent a special problem for neonatologa the pediatrist for newborns whom, by the way, also urgently I recommend to meet before sorts or labors. Thus, to give birth or travail with a pain or without - to solve to you. It is very quite good, if you will find comprehension at your attending physician of the -gynecologist, I hope. And more. It is not excluded, that you already possess the extensive information on complications and by-effects OR, pocherpnutoj from various sources, and you had some negativism to the given question then I am ready to answer your questions in more detail. The kind doctor-anaesthesiologist for mums.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Olja (Sab@salut.siberia.net) - - ---Dear doctor lex, Thanks you big for this answer. Lately I usilenno began to be interested in this question as soon as have become pregnant, now term 15 nedelvy have appeared practically unique person who is not only not the opponent anastezii in sorts or labors, but also using it or her in the practice the doctor! I have some questions: 1. How I can estimate or appreciate kvalifitsirovanyj the anaesthesiologist or not? I.e. by means of what questions to it or him;them it can be estimated or appreciated? 2. What preparations are better for using the name at anastezii? Suddenly in their hospital will not be so to buy or purchase in advance. 3. How complications are frequent at epidural anastezii? And whether there will be I chuvsvovat at her of an attempt? Or I shall lay a log and I can do much harm it or this to the child? 4. What else there are methods of anesthesia except for epiduralki and whether they are effective? 5. Whether longly departs anastezija? CHto-to Something or Something else wished to ask, but all from a head has taken off... Otvette please on these naive questions. With gratitude, Olga.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The student - - ---Uv. Olja! Most luchshchee at a labour pain relief certainly Epidurka. Voobshe begin with small doses Morfinchika but if you pervorodka and labors will be tightened or delayed that what for to be excruciated, let will put epidurochku. The student of medical HIGH SCHOOL.

01.09.2004, 19:30
mucha (mucha@atom.ru) - - ---Dear Alex! Excuse, but your attitude or relation to akusheram is simply surprising. You consider or count, what morbidity of fights for akushera defines or determines their all job? Practically at all sorts or labors it is spent OR - since usual spazmolitikov including Promedolum, nitrous oxides, sedatives, narcotic and other, and before epidural anesthesia. I speak about sorts or labors through natural patrimonial ways. Any akusheru will not like expression of suffering on the face of the woman, and at all its or his absence unsettles us. And about anaesthesiologists - doctors-anaesthesiologists of a maternity home in 80-90 % of cases own methods epidural and other methods of anesthesia. To mine it, at present, usual enough procedure, but, as well as all kinds OR, having the contraindications, complications and percent or interest of an inefficiency. Yours faithfully, the doctor the -gynecologist

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna (anchouse@yahoo.com) - - ---the Dear doctor. About 25 years ago the magazine has published health staju about anesthesia of fights by means of massage. I am valid by means of massage did not feel pains. Unfortunately I have lost magazine, and anywhere in the Internet could not find the detailed description of massage. If you know about such massage please write about it or this. Same it is much more safe, than to apply anesthetizing. In advance thanks.