Просмотр полной версии : Dexamethazonum at N 17

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! To me of 26 years. 7 weeks we take. (has attacked a background deks.) Appointed or Nominated in occasion of a secondary polycystosis: narush.sootnoshenija lg/o?u; 17-4.6 (norm or rate 1.2-3.1); DGEA and testost.v to norm or rate. Urine on a steroid structure: the sum 17-, but Androsteron 16.1 (norm or rate 3.8-15.1)-. jaichnikovogo a genesis.

Pregnancy 7: on a background .:17- - 6.83 (norm or rate 6.4-18.02); on hormones: Oestradiolum is overestimated.

I accept Dexamethum. 1/4 for the night and utrozhestan 21. Very much I worry, in fact at me 17 in norm or rate was always (only 17), whether will affect or influence badly a fetus? Many thanks. Anna.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna, at YOU were problemmy with conception, thus the polycystosis of ovaries and rising 170 (he/she is the precursor of adrenal androgens, products of an exchange which are recorded as 17) came to light or was taped. I.e. the situation as a whole is considered or examined;surveyed as SPKJA with nadpochechnikoovym componental. Easier in such situation to accept for a reality expediency of reception of Dexamethazonum. And quot; iNOo???a??N*quot; still nobody has helped or assisted.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And if such situation: nuNa-WITH in norm or rate, Testosteron-Depotum up to pregnancy in norm or rate. And 17 KS - concentration in image at norm or rate up to 11,26 at me of 24,7 mg/ml, and a daily egestion in norm or rate. Is AFS. The doctor on a tablet in day till 16 weeks precisely has appointed or nominated, and then up to polovinki to a tablet I shall lower.

Whether it is justified reception of Dexamethazonum?

Term - 11 weeks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In the given situation treatment AFS under the standards accepted in the world should be discussed.

01.09.2004, 19:30
AFS zanimaetsja other doctor treatment also is appointed or nominated. But reception of Dexamethazonum confuses me.

The pretty girl
01.09.2004, 19:30
Try to be treated at one doctor though reception of Dexamethazonum does not cause or cause delight in me, its or his correspondence cancelling too not too reasonable act.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I with pleasure would be treated at one doctor. To me too not hunting to go that is constantly to one, to another. But a problem that I live in Zelenograde. At all of us doctors in the paid centers from ZHK. Therefore the special trust is not present. And to Moscow constantly not naezdieshsja. Therefore to fall the account to stand in ZHK, and by consultation to go to Moscow.

So at me and polluchilas now putannitsa - in ZHK speak - drink Dexamethazonum, in Moscow on consultation - cancel:confused:. I understand, what is it what not one doctor conducts, but once again - trust completely to the doctor from ZHK I can not.