Просмотр полной версии : When it is possible realno to not be afraid for pregnancy

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01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---I know, that if my husband learns or finds out, that I am pregnant (and sooner or later it to happen) he ispugaetsja unknown and will send me to him on abortion. I have two outputs or exits: to hide pregnancy and then to make udivvlyonnoe the face. And the second: to share this news (joyful for me) with the husband to descend or go ostensibly on abortion and to come with the message from the gynecologist, WHAT TO DO or MAKE ABORTIONS to me nejzja. What exactly can I argumentrovat the similar assumption??? My history can be read through in a higher subject *quot; When it is possible to not worry in occasion of beremennsti? *quot; Thanks all participants of a forum for imagination, and to doctors for the real facts of the REASONS. (ehh.. I hope, that someone will respond)

01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---Hello. I from those breeds of women which can become pregnant and in the extremity or end of a cycle, and in the beginning (4 months I measure temperature, and has come to conclusion, that I can have some ovulations... Or she babbling or idle). At me one labors (the first pregnancy) - 6 years ago. Votraja pregnancy was two years ago - mini abortion on 4-5 week. Then I have become pregnant exactly in 6 months (in October 1999), again mini-abortion, and then in 4 months (in February 2000)- abortion. I always scrupulously concerned to an opportunity to become pregnant and listened to an organism, therefore all abortions have been made during that moment when only there came an opportunity to carry out mini-abortion (i.e. on the minimal terms). I became pregnant with a spiral (first time). Second time for the third day monthly... The Question consists here in what: I plan in the future (already in not far..) To conceive AND GIVE birth to the child. Last abortion - one year ago. Schedules of basal temperature - on arms or hand. After abortion accepted a floor of year mersilon. Now I from it or him am free. Infections are not present. All in norm or rate (like). Than such my history is fraught to my future child? What to me to make, what at me would not be retsedivov in connection with the previous mini-abortions? What analyses to hand over.. Either what vitamins or preparations to accept in the first months? Thanks!!!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
admin (webmaster) - - ---irina Saturday, January 6, 2001 - 08:45: proceeds the pregnancy which has come or stepped at once after a spontaneous late abortion (the reason - the developmental anomaly caused by action of teratogens in early terms)

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Irina, current of pregnancy will depend on in what term pregnancy has interrupted, whether there were complications after an abortion and as there has quickly come or stepped following pregnancy. If except for teratogens (what?) other reasons for an abortion were not, most likely, this pregnancy will proceed favorably.

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Margo, how much or as far as I understand, planning pregnancy and labors, you have seriously reflected on the health. In this situation it is better to address to the doctor who can is internally more concrete recommend necessary inspection and, probably, treatment. In view of several abortions, the most probable threat for pregnancy is represented with an infection. How for a long time and you were surveyed by what methods on ZPPP?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Margo, this question is too serious, that so it is thoughtless to approach or suit to it or him;them. It is better to settle with the husband all problems before pregnancy. By other reports, you already have a child (?), there were some abortions, so words that *quot; abortion to you to do or make ?N?y?n*quot; even from lips of the doctor will look or appear rather ridiculously. Similar, you keep back something, or the husband has concrete arguments against the child (for example, a disadvantage of the finance).

01.09.2004, 19:30
- - ---thanks for the answer. Pregnancy has interrupted on term of 18 weeks. Teratogens - rengen teeth on terms 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Negative results on ZPPP and TORCH-infections, the present or true pregnancy has come or stepped in a month. Zaranie thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Irina, most likely, with this pregnancy all will be good, but all the same visit or attend the gynecologist more often! Success to you!

01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---Anna! All is much easier. Money I earn. Here again, purely or cleanly from man's samoljujutja there can be similar questions on the finance. At me (and the husband) is not present problems with the finance.. Moreover, we have bought or purchased an apartment more, than presumed:) All solv volume, that I very well know the husband. And I know, that its or his first reaction EXTERNAL - pavor... He does not know as itself(himself) a message.. And whether THAT TIME of the second child has come. The man, even from the point of view of psychology realizes paternity on proshnmtvii the SHOCK:) Therefore I with polnoj confidence can tell or say, that if I shall stretch or shall drag out time while my husband adaptiruetsja to an idea on the second child - then will already disappear necessity to think out the reasons of IMPOSSIBILITY aboprta. I more than who or I can tell or say about the husband... And he not one those... When it is necessary to make a decision - sometimes trebuetsja that jerk, that reason, which it or him poddtolknyot in that party or side which it is necessary... Even if he will doubt of my words about impossibility of abortion - he to check all does not begin peerly this fact.. He in a subconscious mind will know it... And more... Families happens a lot of different. Probably our family more, than non-standard - for the basic decisions demanding as much as possible fast reaktstsii - are solved by me. My husband flows not volume rate of a life, that I. Therefore our family is created on other projection, rather than the standard. In my variant conversation directly is unnecessary and useless. Both of us we know the truth, but to tell or say it or her is not always it is necessary. Here. And in general much that it is possible to tell or say about the given comprehension of family, but I think, what is it already other subject.. At all medetsinskaja:))))

01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---Zdavala all analyses on an infection 4 months ago. Visited or attended the gynecologist (has graduated MERSILONA). Since then I take basal temperature. For that moment of time - all was more than favorably. But the fact otsutsvija inflammations, infections, etc. does not release or exempt mine orggaizm to vzbrykivaniju when there will come or step pregnancy... Me interests those possible or probable variants when I shall become pregnant... I simply consider the last abortions - how they can be reflected?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---If you repeatedly interrupted pregnancy, and now wish it or her to save, reaction of an organism (to be exact, immunoj systems) on it can be opposite (t. e., he will aspire to get rid of it or her). Though variants set - from normal current of pregnancy up to habitual nevynashivanija. As much as possible to lower risk of an abortion, as soon as possible be registered and repeatedly hand over all analyses on early durations of gestation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
alla (fremontalla@yahoo.com) - - ---Through what time after an abortion (23 weeks) it is possible zaberemennet?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Alla, only after the reasons on which there was an abortion will be found out, and there is passed or is taken place corresponding or meeting course of treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
irina (irinaaurum@mail.ru) - - ---Hello! It for me is very important. In 1993 at me was an abortion on term of 23 weeks. Then in 1998 on term of 27 weeks (two at a birth). In 1998 g I laid on conservation, shejku uteruses have taken in. Of procedures to me did or made only acupuncture. On the sixth procedure iglouk. Me have written out home, having told or said that it will be necessary to come to complete. And this last day my stay in hospital the doctor has decided to try a new technique of needles (on the pregnant woman!) (Before 5 procedures she did or made needles punctually), having undressed me up to a girdle, she having clamped in any stick a fascicle of needles, began to knock on all back. The pain was intolerable. Then it was recommended to me to lie down 30 minutes, and then to send home. Up to the house I have not reached. My children as if or as have rebelled, such shevelenija was never, the stomach or belly began to hurt or be ill;be sick very strongly. I have arrived again to hospital. The doctor has looked or seen a stomach or belly and has told or said that all by way of. But through short time at me fights have begun. To me put droppers, but nothing has helped or assisted. Lavsan was broke off or has become torn. Vobshchem I had an abortion, the same day in the evening. All has occured or happened so quickly. At me a question. Whether could provoke acupuncture an abortion? On reception in consultation when I have asked about it or this the doctor, she has looked or seen at me as on mad. I thought that will send to check a head. After inspection in me have found out nothing, the husband checked together with me. I have asked the doctor why such could occur or happen, he to me has told or said that *quot; so iUoaNO*quot;. I do not blame for all a needle, but I consider or count that iskusstno is possible for it or this will learn only on their native land (China, Japan), instead of at us on courses. In the same place all is important up to millimeter. I can is deep I am mistaken? Now I am afraid to become pregnant. Someone can collided or faced with a similar situation? Respond me please.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(schandrey@beep.ru) - - ---Tell or Say please, what is the time should pass or take place after an abortion (20 weeks) for planning pregnancy? Different gynecologists name terms from 3 months till 1,5 years. What minimal term in my situation if complications after an abortion were not, is available hr. tonzilit, any infections at inspection it is not found. Under what conditions term can be truncated or prolonged. What actions are necessary before offensive or approach of pregnancy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
tata - - ---the Standard medical reference-6 of months. This term, but not differently can be prolonged. The problem or task during this period, except for an aftertreatment to pass or take place the inspection appointed or nominated by the doctor of female consultation, of the purpose, whenever possible, to find out the reason of an abortion.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(schandrey@beep.ru) - - ---All the same, why 6 months, instead of 5 or 7. Me the program of an aftertreatment (whether vitamins, immunomoduljatory are necessary, sedative preparations, their course and terms), and what consequences interested if pregnancy will come or step earlier, for example, in 4 months.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Water-melon (the Water-melon) - - ---Become pregnant on health! Only do not resort more to services of experts on *quot; a?yONO?aO?o?*quot; to medicine and all will be by way of. Successes!

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Katya, terms of offensive or approach of new pregnancy need to be planned, proceeding from the reasons on which there was an abortion, and complications during and after it or him (for example, break shejki uteruses, or inflammatory process). At developmental anomalies of a fetus it is necessary to be surveyed at genetics and to spend a karyotyping, to exclude a hereditary pathology. As the abortion (especially on late terms) is both moral, and physical stress for an organism for safe vynashivanija to you high-grade rest is necessary for the subsequent pregnancy. You can define or determine its or his duration (it is desirable not less half a year). Reception of any expensive preparations, references the most banal - a qualitative and various delivery, exception of physical and emotional loads, more than positive emotions is Hardly expedient, and. t. d. The most terrible consequence of early offensive or approach of pregnancy can be a repeated abortion. At the same time, such pregnancy can proceed and without any pathology.

01.09.2004, 19:30
irina (irinaaurum@mail.ru) - - ---Hello Jacob! Big to you thanks for attention. If it is possible, I have still questions. All my problem during pregnancy was in shejke uteruses. ITSN, internal fauces. What can I undertake independently up to pregnancy, for its or her strengthening? Something can is in this occasion? In advance to you it is grateful. Still time of thanks. Successes to you in job.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(glavk@chat.ru) - - ---I yesterday have made abortion. Term was 9 weeks. To me have told or said, that some weeks are better to refrain from a sexual life. But it is interesting to me, when it is necessary to start to drink contraceptive tablets (Triregol, for example) as the cycle that at me has got off, most likely, and I do not know, when there will be following *quot; Oa?n???*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Water-melon (the Water-melon) - - ---To start to drink contraceptive tablets it is necessary at once. I.e. directly today or tomorrow. To wait monthly it is not necessary, as after abortion quite often there are disturbances of a cycle (if to not accept a tablet).

01.09.2004, 19:30
(aerin@mailru.com) - - ---It is very important for me. Give birth or travail now I cannot, but the doctor has told or said, that at me a hysteromyoma and in case of if I shall make abortion to me it is necessary to delete a uterus. Whether so it?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The water-melon (the Water-melon) - - ---Is not present, it not so. I doubt, that the doctor could so to say. Most likely, you have incorrectly understood it or her. Though, certainly, at presence of a fibromyoma performance of abortion has the certain difficulties. But all depends about locatings of sites and their sizes. Since in your report of anything about it or this it is not told or said, more than anything I can not tell or say.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(pupidda@online.ru) - - ---If all to refuse pregnancy what consequences can be after the first abortion is better?