Просмотр полной версии : The delay, BT, the test - is pregnant or failure?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! At me a delay - 9 days. Earlier never such was, usually cycle 31 put + - 1 day. No signs of a coming nearer menses (like nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly) are present, vydeleny too are not present. All these or it 9 days I measure basal temperature - within the limits of 36,0-36,3 degrees. Unfortunately, has not measured it or her in the beginning of a cycle, therefore there is nothing to compare.

Three tests for the pregnancy, the made on 3, 6 and 9 day of a delay negative. Nothing hurts, I feel well. Crossings or moving, illnesses or diseases, pohudany and stresses in this cycle were not. Not protected sexual certificate or act was once, one day prior to a prospective menses.

1. It is possible to exclude pregnancy?

2. Whether pregnancy is possible or probable at such low basal temperature?

3. If it not pregnancy than to explain such failure?

Do not send, please, to the doctor (in three days I go to it or him;them, I shall make all analyses and US), simply express the opinion. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Modern tests for pregnancy are informative enough, and as you duplicated them some times (I hope, bought them in different drugstores - having excluded an opportunity of wrong storage), about pregnancy of speech does not go. Our organism not hours and a delay can be, it is important, that it was not system. And idea to go to the doctor - correct.

01.09.2004, 19:30

The menses and has not begun, basal temperature at the same level. Was at the doctor (in ZHK) - simply in a shock from visiting! The first, what at me have asked - if it is pregnancy, to give birth or travail or abortion? To give birth or travail, I speak. And, well then, that you worry, it is necessary to wait nedelki 2, it and to clear up Has given a hint about the analysis on HGCH so they it or him do or make only pregnant women! (i.e. when on the account put). US too! Has registered to me vitamin E and tincture of a tansy. Here such business or affairs Can, will advise something? Unfortunately, the city at us small, and the unique private or individual medical center is engaged only in treatment ZPP. And to the gynecologist-endocrinologist it is possible to get in a direction of the doctor from female consultation (I believe, on it one month is required not).

01.09.2004, 19:30

I understand your bewilderment after visiting, but let's look at things really: far not everywhere probably to carry out necessary researches it is fast, and if pregnancy is not present (about it or this it is possible to speak with a sufficient degree of confidence), the similar delay will not be reflected negatively in your physical status. It is necessary to tell or say, that I doubt, that it is necessary to do or make US to exclusively pregnant women.

If you do not find comprehension, you have a choice - can address to other doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon,

Last night have appeared feeling of gravity in the bottom of a stomach or belly that at the left, on the right. Sensations as at a spastic stricture. A frequent emiction. And though in a toilet I run almost each 1,5-2 hours, each time sensation such as though very longly suffered or bore. Basal temperature at the same level (36-36,3). A delay 15 days. Tomorrow I shall try to break in the center of planning of family What analyses you have advised in this case? (I shall try to agree, for money can will make)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Your complaints do not allow to exclude an infection. A situation - for internal consultation of the doctor. After survey it is possible to be defined or determined more precisely.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Greetings! It was interesting that at you such? You are pregnant or not? The matter is that at me now the same problem as well as at you: a delay of 2 weeks, BT 36.3-36.6, and the test negative.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me too the test negative, but temperature - 37,2.

I can not understand I am pregnant or not.

Doctors have told or said - resemble still nedelku.