Просмотр полной версии : Low BT

01.09.2004, 19:30
I ask to answer a question received by me at other forum:

*quot; Tell or Say whereas rate, as at me is regarded such basal: up to predpologaemoj ovulations rate was 36.3-36.4, then she skaknula up to 36.9, but next day she has fallen up to 36.6, and on a trace put up to 36.4, and continues to hold sja on it or this OOo?N*quot;

01.09.2004, 19:30
The basal temperature is not informative enough parameter that on its or her basis to do or make any conclusions.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Many thanks for the instant answer.

Approve, unfortunately, I can not - *quot; c?*quot;, as well as always, rjadjashcheesja in a mask *quot; aiOa*quot; (here - acting under it or this anybody) carefully searches for my old retorts and backdating them *quot; not niOnNO*quot;, than also reduces my rating (and itself exposes finished patient Bill and Aminazinki).

Reaches laughter - *quot; not niON?*quot; my answer Alonu in its or his known trap when the DOCTOR has asked to give homeopathic advice or council. And this advice or council in 1,5 months has prevented *quot; c?O*quot;.