Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis

01.09.2004, 19:30
We with the husband plan the second child. I have begun inspection, the doctor has taken a smear - povyshenno the maintenance or contents of leucocytes. Has made US for 4 day of a cycle - both of an ovary are increased (4 with small sm), especially right, in them it is a lot of follicle. As the doctor - at me has explained a strong polycystosis, ovaries almost do not work, and it explains poor or scanty monthly. Monthly pass or take place 4 month poorly: 1 day brown allocation, 2-3 day small allocation, 4-5 put botched work. All of allocation go during circulation to a toilet. At night a lining always pure or clean. 10 years ago I had an operation - a cyst of the left ovary, a resection of ovaries. After operation I drank it seems 1 month Dexamethazonum. After that at me was polikiztoz, but I drank Triziston (as contraceptive tabletko) and especially nothing disturbed me, and I could become pregnant. Now all comes back... Now I month of criterion BT, on 16 put temperature has risen up to 37,1, in 3 days has fallen up to 36,8, then in 2 days has again risen up to 37,1 and and kept up to monthly. Now at me temperature 36,8-36,9. Confuses me the answer of the doctor: and quot; I shall consult to operating gynecologists what practice at them in occasion of a polycystosis, I do not wish to feed you with hormones, and probably it is necessary to perform operation on a resection of ovaries. And quot; i.e. she will ask them as better and that will respond her. Still she has told or said, that now the technics or technical equipment has gone forward and a stomach or belly do not cut as earlier, and do or make cuts. Help or assist pozhaljsta, treatment without operation, and what is this new technologies in medicine is possible or probable. Thanks for the answer.