Просмотр полной версии : Ovulation

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether tell or say please could at me this month be an ovulation and come or step pregnancy at such rectal temperature:

1-36,7, 2-36,8, 3-36,7, 4-36,7, 5-36,7, 6-36,9 (this day there was a diarrhea), 7-36,8, 8-36,8, 9-36,6, 10-36,5, 11-36,6, 12-36,5, 13-36,6, 14-36,7, 15-36,6, 16-36,9, 17-36,7, 18-37,1, 19-37,0, 20-36,9, 21-37,1, 22-37,1, 23-37,2, 24-37,1, 25-37,1 up to monthly still there are 4-5 days. A cycle of 30 days. Regular, only the last month the menses has come for 4 days earlier. I plan pregnancy 3 months, but it is ineffectual. In advance thanks for the answer. Irina, 36 years.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rise temperutury in second half of cycle is. But the schedule of rectal temperature not 100 % of accuracy a method. Sometimes the ovulation does not happen and at the biphase schedule (whether more precisely ultrasound-is a yellow body in 2 phase) .a pregnancy is theoretically possible or probable.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether tell or say please could at me this month be an ovulation and come or step pregnancy at such rectal temperature:

1-36,7, 2-36,8, 3-36,7, 4-36,7, 5-36,7, 6-36,9 (this day there was a diarrhea), 7-36,8, 8-36,8, 9-36,6, 10-36,5, 11-36,6, 12-36,5, 13-36,6, 14-36,7, 15-36,6, 16-36,9, 17-36,7, 18-37,1, 19-37,0, 20-36,9, 21-37,1, 22-37,1, 23-37,2, 24-37,1, 25-37,1 up to monthly still there are 4-5 days. A cycle of 30 days. Regular, only the last month the menses has come for 4 days earlier. I plan pregnancy 3 months, but it is ineffectual. In advance thanks for the answer. Irina, 36 years.

If you plan pregnancy only 3 months what for you in general to take rectal temperature?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for the answer. The matter is that notwithstanding what having sexual contact in optimum days for conception, pregnancy does not come. It would be desirable to understand what the reason and to address to the gynecologist that to me have appointed or nominated treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Three months still the insufficient reason to begin careful inspection and treatment. Sterility or barrenness - at least 1 year of unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. At your age it is possible to begin after 6 months, i.e. try 3 more months, but be not guided by basal temperature - she raises or increases in some hours after an ovulation while sexual certificates or acts some hours prior to an ovulation are most effective.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Tell or say please for what reasons there can be ovulations? And what methods of treatment of these reasons are?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Tell or say please for what reasons there can be ovulations? And what methods of treatment of these reasons are?

Unfortunately you have asked too capacious question. Use the special literature.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Could not recommend what is better to esteem the literature? Very much excites me this question. Thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
Try to look for the beginning in a network (abstracts, sites for patients).