Просмотр полной версии : Rhesus the factor and DJA

Olga Danilov
01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say please, whether it will be possible or probable that at our child RH-, t.k the donor of an ootid had a negative rhesus the factor? At my husband positive, well and at me too.

When it will be possible otredelit? Only after a birth of the child? Whether can be what or complications of pregnancy connected with it or this?

Many thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
Complications connected with a rhesus-incompatibility cannot be, as the rhesus-conflict arises only at pregnancy of the Rh-negative woman a Rh-positive fetus.

01.09.2004, 19:30

And when it will be possible otredelit?

01.09.2004, 19:30

And when it will be possible otredelit?

To define or determine that? The Rh factor of the child - when will be born.

The risk a rhesus-conflict in your case is absent at any Rh factor of a fetus.

01.09.2004, 19:30

And when it will be possible otredelit?

To define or determine that?

If you precisely know, that you a rhesus-are positive the rhesus-accessory or -belonging of a fetus has no value or meaning;importance, the conflict on a Rh factor is impossible.

However (though and it is rare enough) the conflict can arise and on other erythrocyte antigens (for example as speak, *quot; on uOON*quot;), but, I repeat, it happens seldom.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks you.

The matter is that we did not wish to speak anybody that we used DJA.

At me 3 + group of a blood, at the husband 2 +. T.e in our combination the birth of the baby from any of 4 groups of a blood, in fact so is possible or probable?. Here only the Rh factor - a problem, t.k at us in fact cannot be born the baby with RH-.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here only the Rh factor - a problem, t.k at us in fact cannot be born the baby with RH-.

Theoretically you with the husband can have the child with a negative Rh factor. A negative rhesus - a recessive attribute and both of you can be carriers or bearers of this gene.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Theoretically you with the husband can have the child with a negative Rh factor. A negative rhesus - a recessive attribute and both of you can be carriers or bearers of this gene.

wow! Seryozno? I did not know... Many thanks!

The student
01.09.2004, 19:30
wow! Seryozno? I did not know... Many thanks!

Here still esteem:)-

http: // forums./showthread.php? t=1995

01.09.2004, 19:30
Theoretically you with the husband can have the child with a negative Rh factor. A negative rhesus - a recessive attribute and both of you can be carriers or bearers of this gene.

To approve it is impossible, therefore I shall simply tell or say - absolutely fairly.