Просмотр полной версии : The scheme or plan of treatment

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say, with what purpose reception of Rigevidonum from 16-th cycle till 25-th day is appointed or nominated?

How in this case with contraceptive effect?

Even these days it is possible to not be protected in addition?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Under such scheme or plan the preparation is appointed or nominated with the medical purpose. To be protected it is necessary, including, and in days of reception since such scheme or plan does not give contraceptive effect.

Vl. Vl.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Jacob.

And it is possible to specify, what effect accords such welcome of hormones? (the doctor does not speak the diagnosis).

Whether it is possible to be protected too by tablets (type postinora)?

Tell or Say, whether than casual pregnancy in such sluchae-necessarily threatens to interrupt?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And it is possible to specify, what effect accords such welcome of hormones? (the doctor does not speak the diagnosis).

About same, as well as purpose or appointment gestagenov in 2-nd phase of a cycle.

Whether it is possible to be protected too by tablets (type postinora)?

No, it is necessary to use only not hormonal methods.

Tell or Say, whether than casual pregnancy in such sluchae-necessarily threatens to interrupt?

Will not interrupt its or her necessity, such scheme or plan of treatment does not render negative influence on possible or probable pregnancy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
About same, as well as purpose or appointment gestagenov in 2-nd phase of a cycle.

If it is not difficult, write podrobnee-I so I understand, this scheme or plan does not replace an ovulation and a menses (I am simple 2 years I accept three-). It will help or assist, if at me on US *quot; an ovary in the form of liquid education diam. 38*quot;

Will not interrupt its or her necessity, such scheme or plan of treatment does not render negative influence on possible or probable pregnancy.

I am very glad, since once it was necessary. Or in my case it is not necessary to risk?

01.09.2004, 19:30
In a similar situation I would recommend transition from reception Three-ONu?a on modern monophasic nizkodozirovannyj OK (femoden, marvelon, etc.) under the usual contraceptive scheme or plan. Microdosed out (logest, mersilon) to accept in this case (at presence of a cyst) it is not desirable. And, certainly, to spend US in dynamics or changes (it is better with color dopplerometriej).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Jacob!

Necessarily I shall show your references to the attending physician.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear doctor!

Visit to the doctor has not brought clearness.

At me 2 years an ovary in such status (did or made US on a regular basis in different phases of a cycle). But nobody puts a cyst. A maximum a salpingo-oophoritis. The doctor spoke, that without OK would be uhudshchenie. At me pains in a side during a 7-day's break gradually began to appear. Now they do not stop all cycle. The doctor has told or said, that has appointed or nominated OK with 16 for 25 day that the ovulation was not morbid to replace only 2-nd phase. Whether it is necessary in my case? I trust yours predushchemu to advice or council more.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At a morbid ovulation application of inhibitors prostaglandinsintetazy (diclofenac, Indomethacinum, etc.) in days of an ovulation or if it does not help or assist, blocking of an ovulation by reception of the same OK under the usual contraceptive scheme or plan as I already wrote, in my opinion, is more justified.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Forgive or Excuse, I not the expert, but, I so understand, if I till now CONTINUOUSLY accept OK, at me the ovulation should be absent. What for to me it or her to renew, and then to treat? The reason be ill or sick, probably, not in it or this?

Prompt, if it all the same a cyst, whether will help or assist OK with treatment or other methods are necessary?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You have written, that purposes or appointments are made that the ovulation was not morbid. I have responded you, that is done or made for this purpose.

If you prinimete OK it is continuous, ovulations at you, certainly, no. I already wrote, that it is necessary to try to pass on monophasic OK. Whether it will help or assist, precisely it is impossible to tell or say in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not aspire to learn or find out as to treat what at me is not present. I wished to be convinced, that the doctor is not absolutely right in my case and to learn or find out your opinion concerning my situation.

Can ask a question *quot; whether is at me ??Oa*quot; it is necessary in a subject *quot; cystic educations.. *quot;? What do you think in this occasion?

To finish this tred, tell or say: Rigevidonum it nizko-or the microdosed out preparation? t.e it or him it is possible for me or not

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rigevidonum - nizkodozirovannyj OK. Examples microdosed out are mersilon, logest and novinet.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Jacob!

Thanks big for your advice or councils.

Result already est-after transition to Rigevidonum at me for 2-nd day of a cycle the basal temperature for the first time after sorts or labors became less than 37. I do not know, with what it is connected. But there is a hope, as in the rest there will be shifts. However, pains in a side still disturb. What you still will advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You do not have sense to change BT during reception OK is absolutely not informatively.

I while cannot give other advice or councils - accept a preparation at least 3 cycles, and then estimate or appreciate effect.