Просмотр полной версии : Three- and Phenazepamum

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon. Here some days I am am excruciated with one question. I accept three- 3 month, and here in the second week of reception (red tableki) in 10 one o'clock in the evening I have drunk Phenazepamum. And only has then learned or has then found out, what is it pritivosudorozhnyj a preparation and he reduces efficiency ok. I drink tablets in 2 one o'clock in the afternoon, Phenazepamum have drunk once in 10 one o'clock in the evening. What probability of pregnancy since was learned or found out by me late. And whether it is possible to leave pregnancy. At me even a week of reception of white tablets. Zarane thanks.

Alexander the MAGICIAN
01.09.2004, 19:30
If it was fenazepem it is necessary to see to it. Better by barrier methods in addition to be protected up to the extremity or end of a cycle, and tablets to drink up up to the extremity or end. Only he not anticonvulsant... You have mixed nothing?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, it was Phenazepamum, but to tell the truth, at such time or temporary break I and have not thought. And time already has passed or has taken place enough. And pregnancy can be left?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And pregnancy has already come or stepped?

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, she has not come or stepped yet, there were 3 white tablets. Simply explain to me theoretically a principle of action of Phenazepamum if I have drunk three- at 14.00, Phenazepamum at 22.00, i.e. the time interval has made 8 hours, and a following tablet only in 16 hours next day. Really unitary application so reduces contraceptive effect.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Generally exact data on this bill, in my opinion, are not present. It is known, that at simultaneous reception of benzodiazepines and OK efficiency OK decreases. It concerns or touches basically course treatment by benzodiazepines (to which Phenazepamum concerns also). Unitary reception of Phenazepamum hardly could promote offensive or approach of pregnancy, however overlook such opportunity does not follow. Hardly business now will terminate pregnancy. If it happens to be guided there are on reception three - mersi (in fact you accepted it or him on a background of assumed pregnancy). Therefore it is necessary to wait advice or council of the gynecologist. And on the future - reception of ANY medicines coordinate or agreee;compound with the doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yana, an occasion so to worry (and in general for excitement) at you is not present. Unitary accepted Phenazepamum noticeably will not affect or influence contraceptive properties, especially in the extremity or end of a cycle.

Aminazinka has responded you, and in my opinion, my detailed comments here are not required.