Просмотр полной версии : Where a cyst?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Today has made US. (the diagnosis - a myoma, an oothecoma). A myoma - on a place. And a cyst (existed year two) it is not known where has got to. The ovary was the sizes about 60 mm, the cyst was suspected endometrioidnaja. It decided to visit or attend US once again.

Questions. Whether such cyst could resolve? (from the last US has passed or has taken place 5 months) Or she has bursted, has broken up? In that case, whether it threatens with complications? Pains strong it has not been noticed, so, pulling.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The cyst has resolved. Any oslozhenenijami it does not threaten. Repeat US after monthly. But, if the cyst was endometrioidnaja, there is no guarantee, that she is not formed again. Therefore it is necessary to discuss with the doctor possible or probable reception of hormonal preparations for prophylaxis of education of cysts in the future.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Has forgotten to mention still, that the myoma, similar, has increased. It would be necessary to be checked up once again, certainly... Probably, any *quot; oUiO?*quot; hormones, all also is connected with it or this?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Svetlana, you wish from me to hear reasonings on an empty place with which I do not have any desire to be engaged. Certainly, the control of body height of a fibromyoma and its or her treatment it is necessary. If you will have concrete questions - write.