Просмотр полной версии : Cyst, adnexitis and Heel (me have confused)

01.09.2004, 19:30
nachitalas different clauses or articles also has finally got confused!

To me have appointed or nominated preparations Heel, and whether helps or assists???

To the order. The gynecologist has diagnosed: a chronic inflammation predatkov also has advised to address to a physiatrist. That has appointed or nominated to me course KVCH and preparations Heel: Traumel, Ginekohel, Mukoza kompozitum, the Underground-- (nyxes were after 15 sessions KVCH). Further has made US on which have shown a cyst on the left ovary, the general or common diameter 6,9 Have see spent on drink or Saw see through 2 weeks Vobenzim, Ginekohel, Traumel. The repeated US has shown a cyst on the right ovary, the general or common d. 4,2 see the Therapist has advised to have a drink two more weeks Ginekohel, Traumel, Gormel, nervohel, nyxes Ovarium kompozitum + suppositories Viburkol. And after to pass or take place vtroj course KVCH. And has now read through responses about preparations Hell, and any more I do not know, to that to believe. Perhaps, somebody will advise, how further? All the same it would be desirable to have in the near future the child)


Without a name
01.09.2004, 19:30
Everything, that you have listed, does not concern to medicinal preparations and any medical action does not possess. Efficiency of action oksigrissanta too is rather doubtful. You simply plant on money. Address to the competent gynecologist. The physiatrist should treat physiotherapeutic methods and climb in the business.

And responses sellers BAD and write another similar produktsi, unless it yet all is clear?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And KVCH in that case can help or assist or it too is useless???

01.09.2004, 19:30
KVCH can help or assist.