01.09.2004, 19:30
Natasha (LINDIK5@HOTMAIL.COM) - - ---Me of 17 years, I has begun a sexual life only one year ago, from the very beginning the gynecologist has told or said, that at me erosion shejki uteruses. Three months ago I have made abortion. Recently I was surveyed: have found chlamydias and gardnerelly. The doctor has told or said, that from the beginning it is necessary to cure a bacterial vaginosis, has appointed or nominated treatment. Several days ago pains in the field of ovaries have started to disturb me, I have gone on uzi, it has appeared, that at me a polycystosis of ovaries. I in a shock!!! I do not know from what to begin treatment, and I am am frightened very much with pains - they very strong. Please help or assist me!!!!!! If can, answer on such questions: 1. With what to begin treatment? 2. What can cause these pains? 3. What to do or make to the partner if he has handed over a smear and him have told or said, what at it or him that's all right? Whether 4. there are at me chances in the future normally to give birth rebenkau to me to all eshe and a negative Rh factor??? 5. What forecasts at such diseases? 6. Whether it is possible for me to carry out exercise stresses, for example run? I SHALL be very-very grateful, IF SOMEBODY WILL manage to me TO RESPOND. Natasha.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The venereologist - - ---Natashcha! First of all you should address to the expert. It is not necessary to be treated according to even if advice or council will be given by the doctor who did not examine you. Therefore I shall begin with the answer to 2 question. The pain can give an inflammation of appendages caused or called by an infection. Sometimes, in the beginning treatments, there can be an exacerbation, but stop it or him nalzja. 3. All the same it is necessary for partner to pass or take place preventive treatment. 4. At you normal chances to give birth in budujushchem the child. Here more negative role abortions can play. Therefore try them any more .5. The forecast is quite favorable, if you awake accurately to be treated together with the partner. 6. Exercise stresses are now counter-indicative to you. I wish good luck!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Natasha (lindik5@hotmail.com) - - ---Huge to you thanks for the answer!!! But I still wished to specify on the bill of exercise stresses: the matter is that I very soon need to hand over normativybeg, otzhimanija, press, for me it is very important, therefore already now it is necessary to start to train. But I am am frightened with pains in the field of ovaries, advise please that to me to do or make and when it will be already possible to go in for sports? Natasha.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The student - - ---Uv. The venereologist! It is strange, why at us in Russia such disastrous, by questions of readers, position with sexual infections. In fact modern antibiotics so fine treat everyone. What at you tactics of treatment of the Prostatitis? With uv. The student

01.09.2004, 19:30
The venereologist - - ---Natasha! Exercise stresses now can worsen disease. You should take the information or inquiry on remission of playing sports from the attending physician the doctor has the moral right to write vymeshlennuju the reason. To playing sports it will be possible to return after stihanija inflammatory process. Good luck!

01.09.2004, 19:30
The venereologist - - ---the Dear Student! About the reasons of epidemic ZPPP I wrote to the CIS in section the Clamidiosis 2.04. Modern antibiotics really well treat, about what you can read through in the serious literature. According to our clinic izlechennost a lues - 98 %, gonorrheas - 95 %, a clamidiosis - 87 %, trihomoniaza - 85 %. As to treatment of a prostatitis revolution in its or his treatment has not occured or happened. I do not recommend you to diagnose prostatitis only on the basis of manual or digital research t.k.eto it is fraught with serious mistakes or errors. After inspection on US sick of a prostatitis, we have seen, that at an appreciable part of patients of a prostatitis was not in general. And there were stones and the cysts wrongly accepted by doctors, at palpatornom research, for displays of a prostatitis. These patients passed or took place numerous courses of treatment including sanatorium without especial success. More authentic are researches by means of the rectal gauge. Therefore it is represented to me, that the problem of a prostatitis in a greater degree consists in correct diagnostics, than in difficulties of therapy. Yours faithfully the venereologist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---the Lues and a gonorrhea, are really, not bad treated by antibiotics. The curability of a clamidiosis can be pulled on 87 % if to treat healthy only on the basis of contacts available them with infected and to do or make laboratory research earlier, than in 3 months after the termination or ending of a medical course. Even easier nachitatsja textbooks and advertizing leaflets. Then the curability can jump up still above. I always recommend the colleagues, wishing to have objective statistics, to guarantee to the patient return spent by it or him on treatment of agents if on proprocession of 3 months he will return with the positive analysis on a chlamydia. On Trichomonases a situation similar, but on it or her problems with diagnostics are in addition imposed - in most cases trihomoniaz mikroskopicheski does not come to light or is not taped, since under influence of other infections and antibiotics of a Trichomonas frequently lose the classical form and mobility. At presence of others UGI especially, chlamydias of freely grazed Trichomonases it is possible to meet extremely seldom - basically, at faces of not genital age. A little bit better detectability method PTSR, but too under condition of their free stay in cavities. A prostatitis, as a rule = hlamidioztrihomoniaz however, I shall not remember a case that after selective liquidation of a clamidiosis did not blossom trihomoniaz. It is not excluded, that the place of chlamydias in this tandem can borrow or occupy and any version of mycoplasmas. For its or his treatment it is necessary to get rid, first of all, from inducing UGI, and then to pass or take place a course rassasyvajushchej therapies by homeopathic preparations of type of the Copper horseman. Sometimes seldom on elimination of this private or individual consequence or investigation sochetannoj UGI it is required before half a year and more. But, apparently, who wants, that always recovers.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Marina - - ---Dear V.Dvorjachnikov. Allow to learn or find out your attitude or relation to an enzyme immunoassay of revealing of the latent infection and percent or interest dostavernosti if it is known. The husband has handed over method IFA on a chlamydia, trihomoniaz, a ureaplasma, a herpes. The ureaplasma-50. is found out. It would be desirable to learn or find out your method of treatment and dr.rekomendatsii. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---I consider or examine;survey IFA only as the additional method useful in special cases. Probability of detection of chlamydias methods IFA - 55-65 % in comparison with a standard sowing method. Chances that above, than simptomatichnee disease proceeds. It is necessary to remember also, that there is a probability of false positive reaction up to 5 %. It can be connected with presence of antibodies at the healthy person in reply to contact to patients or patient, conservation of their some credit basically, IgG about one year after treatment, or with two-dimensional immune reaction to close antibodies on structure or frame to other infections. The method is preferable when there is no simple opportunity to take a material from the prospective center of an infection at diseases of kidneys, a liver and other parenchymatous organs, arthritises of an obscure etiology, sclerotic changes in vessels, and also at small children. On the bill of our methods, you, perhaps, should wait for their description on my site, which now at a stage of preparation. I, probably, should accelerate job on its or his creation probably, to the detriment of design. postorajus to state more and more or less intelligibly. Preparation I shall begin directly with a clamidiosis. When the draft version will be published believe, day through 2-4 I shall immediately notify you on E-mail if you inform it or him. As a last resort - on this page.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Seems, I have not absolutely full answered your question. Recently I inquired on IFA plasmas at us etod a method is not popular. Concerning ureaplasmas a situation, on visible, similar. Similar, as in this case the method has only auxiliary value or meaning;importance and is suitable only for tracking immunodinamiki and pilot survey earlier not hurted or ill;sick. P.s. It is necessary to place on a site and materials on a ureaplasmosis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Systemic Analyst (gorav@mail.ru) - - ---Misters doctors!!! Business not in that it is good or not this or that method of the analysis and WHAT TO DO or MAKE!!! I.e. the instruction, the program of actions. Summarizing all vyshenapisannoe professional doctors: 1. Immediately to the doctor. 2. The High probability that will cure, almost not having crippled and not having poisoned. However, the question is deeper: not simply as from it or this vylichitsja and as these or it;this and to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick... It is hygiene and maintenance of an organism in a status enough active immunity More shortly. There is an information and a technique on the CERTIFICATED preparations of type BAD, giving stunning or amazing result, is by the way much cheaper than chemistry but not stirring or preventing to its or her application. A trivial example: the Barlow's disease is not treated with ANY preparation, except for vitamin C. I can send the detailed information, but individually as more detailed information from you is necessary, and the information will be given by the professor or the clinical doctor with whom I cooperate.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---you could not inspire us the example, having shown the immunity, say, to a HIV-infection?