Просмотр полной версии : Chlamydias and a thrush (all same!)

Serg. Serg.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

9 months ago the clamidiosis has been found out. Didymous treatment, 2 kontorolja, both negative has been spent. After that inspection on a hormonal background, etc. is spent

Didymous treatment, the control-negative has been found out anaeroby, again. Has not passed or has not taken place also month, as at me again a thrush. And I do not know what to do or make. Practically year I sit on antibiotics, really again?

I do not trust the doctor, after she has declared, that after MSG to be protected it is not necessary, is any influence on pregnancy does not render, *quot;... And in general we thus often diagnose extrauterine, and a uterine pregnancy O?N*quot; (All this occured or happened in Rostov n/n, In RNIIAP.)

Question: whether oral sex can be the reason of a thrush? And at what doctor it is possible to hand over such analysis? At the stomatologist?..

01.09.2004, 19:30
The thrush very much often arises after long reception of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of the action, used for treatment of a clamidiosis and others ZPPP. Simultaneously there is also a dysbacteriosis - disturbance of microbial flora in an intestine. Therefore treatment should be complex - treatment of a dysbacteriosis, treatment of a candidiasis by purpose or appointment of systemic preparations (accepted inside), local antimicotic treatment, a vitamin therapy. Then restoration of the broken or disturbed flora of a vagina and an intestine purpose or appointment eubiotikov.

Oral sex in itself is not the reason of a thrush, he only promotes carry of mushrooms between mucous to an oral cavity and genitals - the special analysis here to what.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob, thanks for consultation, prompt, to what doctor to address for purpose or appointment of treatment? Usually gynecologists not so like to spend regenerative therapy, especially complex.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To address it is necessary to the gynecologist since you, first of all, need to treat a candidiasis. Find such gynecologist who likes to spend that therapy which is shown. Only, please, do not ask, where it or him to find, etc. - such doctors much in all cities, and advertising at this forum is forbidden.