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01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, today the gynecologist by results of the analysis, has told or said, that at me the bad smear and is a lot of leucocytes. The doctor has told or said, what is it an infection from an irregular sexual life. I always used a condom and is simple I can not understand whence it at me! poskazhite, what is this an infection and whether it is serious? At me erosion. To me to 19 years did not give birth or travail and did not do or make .:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me it is hardly believed, that the doctor could coordinate presence of an infection to an irregularity of a sexual life. Most likely, you have incorrectly understood it or her. Presence of the big number of leucocytes speaks about inflammatory process in a vagina, but nothing speaks about its or his reason. Since erosion it is possible to think is found out in you, that any infection () at you can be and you used a condom not always. Precisely to know a situation, you need to be surveyed on the diseases passed sexual by: chlamydias, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and genital herpes. At revealing infections it will be necessary to pass or take place treatment together with the sexual partner.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me it is already believed, that the doctor could such tell or say. I have heard sayings and pohlestche, for example, *quot; your chlamydias from a thrush ?aOn????y*quot;. If to bring to a focus on expressed lejekotsitoze (more, alas, there is is nothing) first of all the suspicion falls on trihomoniaz and a gonorrhea.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Gonorrhea and trihomoniaz are visible under the usual analysis vydeleny. Though, it is assured or confident, that Mr. Dvorjanchikov will disagree with me regarding revealing Trichomonases - he considers or counts, that always they are seen only by him:)

P.S. At you already the doctor became *quot; ?*quot;...

01.09.2004, 19:30
... And at you - *quot; ?a*quot;.

Trishki - creatures vysokoorganizovannye. It already zoology. Sometimes also you do not know - at whom more brains - at them, or at those who writes standards for their diagnostics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I was not mistaken:)

Marina VM
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear LaskA and moderators the Water-melon and V.Dvorianchikov!

It agree, what is it the inflammatory process caused by microorganisms. For brevity we name it an infection, that generally should assume the alien or foreign microorganisms not inherent to the person. But actually in overwhelming majority of cases he is caused or causes by the representatives of own microflora who have received, by virtue of circumstances, excessive development. So if to speak about *quot; the first ?NONny*quot; in probable structure of the microorganisms provoking an inflammation it is necessary to mean our own inhabitants, instead of varjagov, including fashionable chlamydias, gonokokk, mycoplasmas, etc.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I understand, where you drive, George Andreevich;)

But as the gynecologist I can tell or say to you - presence of erosion at sexly active girl, as a rule, it is caused by the alien or foreign microorganisms passed sexual by.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I can not agree with you, dear George Andreevich.

Before an organism popustit any from *quot; On?UO*quot; kommensalov, something should damage or injure;hurt its or his immune system. As a rule, it *quot; that-O*quot; there is a superinfection. At what, she is not obliged to be present at the center of a lesion not so.

Here the joke shodu was born:

The gastroenterologist with the the little son, walking on a countryside, will come across the horse stinker.

- The daddy from what the horsy has died?

- Not you have gone to the daddy, the sonny! There is no in you a scientific observation! Really you do not see - its or her fly zagryzli...

01.09.2004, 19:30
George Andreevich.

And whom name our own inhabitants ? Conditionally pathogenic microflora?

Here in one of sections the question connected with an acute cystitis of the patient was discussed.

But nobody has mentioned most widespread "enemy" of urinary ways - E.coli.

Yours faithfully

01.09.2004, 19:30
And it besides.

When the horse has fallen, it or her guzzle all to that will like: flies, ravens, jackals...

If E.coli was independently pathogenic for urinary ways, in the nature would not be the uniform woman without a cystitis. And the majority of men would have it or him too.

01.09.2004, 19:30
"Superinfection" not always and not only the reason of depression of a resistance of an organism.

It or This is promoted also by more banal things: an intoxication, stresses, overwork, a frigorism or an overheat, etc.

Moiseyev Irina
01.09.2004, 19:30
Certainly. But for this purpose all the mentioned factors (perhaps, except for some forms of a poisoning) should operate or work is permanent. Otherwise, further a transient or fulminating manifestation business will not go.

Hope To
01.09.2004, 19:30
Business in that of Lord, that I not sexly active lady.

And the difference between two last sexual certificates or acts at me was 1,5 years (last on August, 5th this year), considering that one year ago I laid in gynecology with a strong inflammation of appendages and by way of an infection I had all by way of!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether and there can be such inflammation at the virgin?:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
As by way of infections at all of you can be by way of, if you *quot; one year ago laid in gynecology with a strong inflammation O?naOo*quot;? To you even the reason of an inflammation have established or installed? Virginity and activity of a sexual life in this business are not too essential. This business of a case - that can catch to be enough and one (sometimes even *quot; ?aU?UN??u*quot;) polvogo the certificate or act, or a unsuccessful campaign in a bath, pool and even to the gynecologist considering or counting, that an inflammation of appendages - from shortage of sex and an irregularity of abortions. Certainly, the more often you *quot; O??ONON*quot; the to catch you have more than chances, but this dependence not directly proportional.

01.09.2004, 19:30
About appendages to me have told or said, that I have simply chilled them.

Tolko that has come from the doctor, she to me has written out Trichopolum, a doxycycline a hydrochloride in capsules and suppositories Terzhinan.

But mum speaks, that antibiotics to drink does not follow. I neznaju what to do or make!

And the doctor has told or said, that all boezni from *quot; dirty sexual ??N?o*quot;, though I to her also have told or said, that a sexual life at me not regular.

Vajdja Das
01.09.2004, 19:30
So, to wash a causal place, and illnesses or diseases will not be?

The valuable doctor!

Cold without an infection can proceed only in the form of obmorozhenija. Obmorozhenie was?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes is not present, what obmorozhenie.... With has gone on the south, to have a rest!

The warm sun.... The cool sea.... That's all

01.09.2004, 19:30
Probably, in Dzhubgu went? There often such contrasts are marked or celebrated. Well, I do not know, that with you to do or make. Where you, even, live?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear participants of discussion very interesting to me in occasion of an infection!

Last days I am connected late as it is borrowed or occupied by adjustment of chromatographic system Sherlok, prednaznachenoj for identification of microorganisms on a structure of fat acids. In bacteriological laboratory of large clinic. Here then kommensaly will be exposed even more often in disturbance of peaceful co-existence with an organism of the person. Kommensaly, patogeny, conditional patogeny are the terminological reserves connected with a certain level of development of diagnostics. Short perid time, while *quot; not poiman - not oO*quot;. But already practically all have caught. Even the most respectable microbes are convicted of patogenicity. I shall answer a question of Dr. Zajtseva whom I name own inhabitants of an organism. The basic part of a microflora is concentrated on mucous an intestine. It is kg or two microbes. From them (roughly in decreasing order quantities or amounts) can be noted bifidobakterii, aktinomitsety, laktobatsilly, eubakterii, coccuses (sreptokokki, staphilococcuses, peptostreptokokki and dr), bakteroidy, clostridiums, bacilli. On a share enterobaktery it is necessary less than 1 % of a microflora of an intestine, from them of 90 % it is necessary on klebsielly. For interest check up: start in search on medlajnu the name of any microbe in the form of, for example *quot; Bifidobacterium and infection*quot;, and you receive the list of clauses or articles in which it is described how our small roommates participate in infectious processes. E.coli on their background looks or appears harmless zverjushkoj, which zaizuchali and zadiagnostirovali as chlamydias: everyone are able to define or determine E.coli in any material. But on our data she (E. coli) extremely seldom happens a leading microorganism in a -infection though it is valid, everywhere is.

Jacob Grigorevich! Correctly you have told or said, that as the gynecologist, do not suppose participation of microorganisms during erosion. It is bad, that microbiologists, probably, too so consider or count. Look or see, for interest *quot; cervical erosion and infections*quot; too in medlajn - for certain there something will be in this occasion. I *quot; ?NOao??y?U*quot; the microbiologist, I apply a unusual molecular method of diagnostics, but at once I see many microorganisms and I am constantly convinced together with correct microbiologists worldwide, that abacterial inflammatory processes becomes ever less and less.

Therefore I shall respond our patient LaskA, that *quot; that's all right with an infection at a strong inflammation:confused: O?naOo*quot; it, I shall not be afraid of this word, - a nonsense (sorry, mademoiselle). Certainly, in clinical baklaboratorii the diagnosis *quot; ?ONO??y?*quot; - the most frequent. But it does not mean, that the infection is not present, means - it or her do not see.

Also I join in opinion doctor Zajtsevu, that an occasion of an internal infection not necessarily should be external. It is possible to argue and find arguments, that on the contrary: stress, disbioz, depression of immunity - welcome, an external infection!

In summary - continuation of a joke of Dr. Dvorjanchikova (it is asked who composes jokes?).

.... Having learned or having found out, that the horse is ruined by flies, the boy has broken off vetochku and has started to drive away flies from a body of a horse. The horse ozhila and again began to work together with the person!

Here and with komensalami how the person will be ill - look, they have bred not moderately. It is necessary to appease them corresponding or meeting antibiotics - so he recovers, not knowing, that it or him mycoplasmas and gnaw chlamydias with a herpes and a cytomegalovirus. A continuous joke with this IPPP!

01.09.2004, 19:30
The interesting report, places directly unexpected.

But, causes a heap of the questions, straight off one of them:

*quot; Even the most respectable microbes are convicted in aOuN???O?*quot;

It, as well as bifidobakterii, laktobakterii, bacteria of fermentation (Lactobacillus, Zimomonas) and many other things our "Associates"? And saprophytes?

How? Functionally they as - as if are not intended for this purpose: products of their vital activity are not toxins. Or among familiar friends appear vyrodki - virulent strains?

Yours faithfully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
nea! I in Fiodosii was, there is class! And I from the Eagle

01.09.2004, 19:30
In this question peremudrjat needs are not present.

On what basis this or that microbe is suspected of conditional patogenicity? If on the basis of that in experiment possesses pathogenic potential - all correctly. If only on the basis of high concentration in the center of an inflammation it can be and *quot; ?OO?*quot;, flied on mertvjachinku. It is required to be convinced Of definition of unconditional patogenicity, what exactly the given organism (instead of it or him *quot; n?N??*quot; or own parasites) are the reason of disease. But it not so is simple, as it seems.

Nonpathogenic it is necessary to recognize microorganisms not capable to develop in a macroorganism under no circumstances, or not having instruments of pathogenic influence.

But there is one more circumstance to which, as a rule, do not pay attention - interspecific interactions. One microbe can absolutely change behaviour of another.

Julia Litvinenko
01.09.2004, 19:30
Doctor Dvorjanchikov why you will not glance in Free discussion? There such now hum costs or stands.