Просмотр полной версии : Question to experts

01.09.2004, 20:30
Misters, respond the person who is not understanding medicine. What here not so, and how it to treat (where to esteem)?

01.09.2004, 20:30
By presence of clue-cells and a significant amount of leucocytes provided that in the last couple of months antibiotics were not used, with a high degree of probability it is necessary to assume trihomoniaz. Well to make crop on Trichomonases, probably, something will clear it.

01.09.2004, 20:30
Mister Neznajka!

Be not surprised, that Mr. Dvorjanchikov has assumed illness or disease about which in the analysis nothing is written is at it or him in a blood:)

Certainly, crop on Trichomonases, and also on other infections will not prevent.

All of you cannot peerly recover - if all could be treated somewhere pochitav doctors would be absolutely not necessary. It is necessary to address to the doctor, to show him the analysis and he will appoint or nominate treatment.

01.09.2004, 20:30
Here if you, Mr. Jacob prochli my page (http: // panacea.narod.ru/Gardnerellesis.htm), devoted to a bacterial vaginosis...

However, she has arisen not as the independent treatise, and as illjustriovannyj the answer from correspondence with Dr. Novoselovym.

But even in such kind, probably, something will explain you.

01.09.2004, 20:30
Dear colleagues! It seems to me a leukocytosis (40 - 50) is the indication for wider inspection on IPPP.

01.09.2004, 20:30

Intracellular Gram-positive coccuses, despite of everything, too can appear atipicheskimi gonokokkami. Presence of a plenty gardnerell, though and on a background of the expressed leukocytosis, also a serious hint on *quot; ?a?a?a??U*quot; a clamidiosis (from here the clause about last two months). On all it is necessary to check!

But key cells (if it is valid they) quite particularly specify Trichomonases - I assure you.

01.09.2004, 20:30
In general interesting interpritatsija inspections by the laboratory assistant.

Plentiful body height of a candidosis infection and on this background as a rule masking all remained flora suddenly come up *quot; key ?NO?*quot; statements being by criterion bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza.

It seems to me, that inspection vypolnenno is not enough kvalifitsirovanno as it is necessary to be defined or determined or with the diagnosis bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza (key cells, assay with KON which cannot be positive at massive body height kandid, shift RN), or with crop on kandidy.

In any case I would not criticize so Dvorjanchikova for diagnostics trihomoniaza though, I think from me you of other reaction and would not wait, but before would follow a short policy antimikotikov (only!!!) and only then repeated inspection or crop.

In that case if the leukocytosis after antimycotic therapy remains high, at least on initial limits, and will vyjavlenny attributes bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza inspection not trihomonadonositelstvo it can appear rather useful.

The interesting case is published in section above and carrying out of bacteriemic or bacterial screening at the patient hlopotnym employment or occupation will enough seems to me that. It would be desirable to hear your opinion Mr. Jacob and Dvorjanchikov.

And more the small report:

From September, 9 till September, 15th I shall be in Moscow at V.P.Smetnik's seminar on gynecologic endocrinology. Most likely I shall stop at relatives, but in any case I shall take noutbuk or I shall leave in a forum through the Internet-cafe. It would be interesting to meet or even to phone doctor Jakovym and Dvorjanchikovym. I leave Kiev on September, 8th so, that if there is a necessity of transfer of mail from your friends and friends call back to me home or write on soap:



8044 2245396 ()

Olesya L
01.09.2004, 20:30
BV here it is obvious (key cells). And if the set gardnerelleznyh satellites is not too deformed or distorted, aminnyj the test will be positive, nesmotrja on any candidiasis. However, presence/absence BV in this case has no clinical value or meaning;importance.

Such picture of a smear is rather typical for not completely (not adequately) treated clamidiosis. Also there is nothing surprising in blossoming Trichomonases. Otsutsvie them at presence of chlamydias - more likely exception, than a rule. An another matter, that while the second are numerous, the first freely do not walk, and sit out, where it is necessary.

P.s. Today has received smears from the girl surveyed on a method of Dr. Osipov. On its or his data, chlamydias at it or her it is not revealed. On ours: a vagina - 0; a urethra - ++; a throat - +.

From this I conclude, that in laboratory of Dr. Osipov the smear undertook from a vagina. Probably, in cases when the subject of search is precisely designated, it is meaningful to investigate or research the incorporated material from 3-4 points.

01.09.2004, 20:30
How much doctors, are so much and opinions, but it would seem to me more subject conversation at viewing the analysis vydeleny, instead of at treatment of result.

All the same presence and plentiful body height kandid and on this background of key cells strange enough.

I would not began to rely on the given analysis.

Concerning a clamidiosis, on our data recurring or relapsing hlamidijnaja the infection is caused on 80 % by a chronic infection of the elementary and in particular Trichomonases. And the treatment of your three points simply gives pleasure to me. Really with body height ishchzmenenija sex behaviour it is necessary to enter new methods of a fence of a material from *quot; oNOO??O*quot; and *quot; ?????O*quot; polovyht ways.

Interestingly what references on a capture of a material now will use :p


I already in Moscow. Today has passed or has taken place opening 1 international workshop on a menopause and zameschtitelnoj hormonal therapy., and with 10 on 14 on Oparin will pass or take place both a seminar and the congress. I have brought to you smears of one our general or common patient (under its or her request) .kak to you to pass them? And how with you to communicate?

01.09.2004, 20:30
Simultaneous presence at a smear kandid and gardnerell in practice meets. Here now has at random taken a pile of histories of illnesses or diseases, patients of the past on Friday. Among 22 women who have appeared there such combination (simultaneously, in the same smear) has found at 3 of them.

The clamidiosis practically always walks together with trihomoniazom, therefore it is impossible to approve or confirm, what exactly Trichomonases are guilty of its or his persistence.

Unfortunately, visiting of Moscow in my nearest plans does not enter. On the contrary, in the middle of week I will need to sweep to Urals Mountains.

Smears to pass it is possible or with explorers of a train 66 Moscow-O?ynOO? (He daily sends from the Kazan station at 19.53) - I their occurring, or if it for any reasons is impossible, through somebody from my Moscow patients. I can ask them about it or this. Only try to make all till Tuesday.

01.09.2004, 20:30
Better through patients.

I ostanovmlsja at rodstvenikov them telefyon 4554004, but zavatra I shall take a package of mobile communication or connection with Moscow number or room so legshe with me will communicate.

At the same time I shall pass you some more interesting clauses or articles.

01.09.2004, 20:30
It is published: the Water-melon

Mister Neznajka!

All of you cannot peerly recover - if all could be treated somewhere pochitav doctors would be absolutely not necessary. It is necessary to address to the doctor, to show him the analysis and he will appoint or nominate treatment.

In that case, tell, where there live doctors. It is last analysis of my wife. All this fresh-water sponge (a burning sensation in a vagina) proceeds about one year. First she went to one gynecologist, have made analyses (much, different) - anything (in general!) have not found, has addressed to another, have received here this analysis. To her have appointed or nominated a course from two stages, all over again she drank one tablets (3 weeks), the beginnings others - at it or her an eruption on all body, an allergy. The gynecologist in holiday. Whether so I am wrong, trying to find the answer and to receive advice or council here?

01.09.2004, 20:30

OK! To you will call.


Actually, here it is not a lot of variants:

1. Any persistent mycosis.

2. Trihomoniaz.

3. Rather rare or infrequent rhematoid form of a urogenital clamidiosis.

However, combinations are possible or probable also.

Diagnostic attributes accessible to you:

The first is usually facilitated after alkaline (soda) syringings, amplifies from sweet and rich.

The second becomes aggravated on alcohol, salty, is facilitated on preparations nitroimidazolnoj groups (type of Trichopolum).

The third is facilitated from alcohol, gipozolja and Aspirinum, a cold and amplifies in a heat (but not nvsegda). For it or him the high level in a blood of immunoglobulins of class E (IgE), that is characteristic at otsutsvii others *quot; aOO???O??UO*quot; the centers, specifies it or him almost unequivocally.