Просмотр полной версии : Infection or suspiciousness?

Julia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

I have appeared at some deadlock, can, in comparison, my problems are insignificant, or I am hypochondriac, but it disturbs me.

In the past to year I prosprintsevalas potassium permanganate *quot; on everyone ?aO?U*quot; (it was for the first time, and, probably, very silly, but it by inexperience). Probably, pereborshchala with a dose of potassium permanganate since at once has felt a pain. In day or two has begun purulent discharges. Has addressed to the private or individual gynecologist which has sent me on analyses: the general or common smear, chlamydias, mikoureoplazmy. Anything it was revealed not, but the gynecologist has all the same appointed or nominated antibiotics (some names, from various infections), processings, etc. Has explained it to that about potassium permanganate I tell fairy tales, and without an infection here cannot be. When has gone to be checked my partner (he was checked 3 times at different doctors) - at it or him too have found out by nothing, and one of doctors has named a way of my treatment *quot; a??*quot;, and

Other (private trader) - has suggested to be treated *quot; from unhealthy absence ??Oo?OU*quot;. And my partner did not begin to accept antibiotics.

After antibiotics in me have found out yeast of which I could not get rid half-year. At last, I like have got rid from dorzhzhej, having changed Pimafutsin on gino-NoaO?? (or the summer has simply come. Immunity also has become stronger - I do not know).

To the previous doctor any more I do not trust, since she has in passing put some more diagnoses which subsequently have not proved to be true (such as *quot; congenital YO??n*quot;, which other two doctors) have not noticed after it or her. In an out-patient department to me

Speak, that at me that's all right, yeast is not present more. Has handed over in an out-patient department a smear and the analysis wet - anything, all is excellent or different. Visually the gynecologist too does not see any deviations or rejections. The cycle at me regular, is not present pains (I drink Marvelon, he it is good *quot; ONuO??OONO*quot; my cycle)


1) I have appeared some practically transparent, little bit sticky allocation which was not earlier, have not enough of them, but nevertheless it is appreciable;

The gynecologist speaks, what is it - norm or rate, but at your forum I have read through, that such in an ideal should not be.

2) periodically there is some burning sensation p.o., however, not so strong. (the reason of a burning sensation in an out-patient department cannot explain)

For day after the sexual certificate or act all signs disappear, but are then shown again.

Therefore I have doubts, that at me all is valid so ideally as speak in an out-patient department. But also to be treated for all at once I do not want. It would be desirable to find out the reason, instead of to treat all blindfold. Can, someone collided or faced with similar? Whether there can be it any *quot; ?OaO??U??*quot; the phenomena after disposal of yeast???

I shall be grateful for advice or council.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Permanganate of a potassium (*quot; ?aOua?oa*quot;) - substance toxic or toxiferous enough, besides, possessing oxidizing and cauterizing properties. Possibly, your first gynecologist observed consequences of a poisoning and a combustion her or it, including, and true toxic (but not congenital) erosion SHM which has safely and spontaneously disappeared in some days. However, permanganate cannot cause multimonthly disbioza, and, rather probably, that your first gynecologist was right, having appointed or nominated antimicrobic therapy at *quot; OO??O*quot; results of analyses. At the same assumption directs presence sticky, transparent poor or scanty vydeleny.

If I have correctly understood, Marvelon you use as a contraceptive. In this connection a question: how much cycles have passed or have taken place from the first contact prior to the beginning of reception Marvelona and whether there were pains before monthly or in the first day monthly during this period?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for your answer.

Before the first contact I have started to accept Three-ONu?, but from these contraceptive me is strong enough toshnilo, and I have decided to pass on Marvelon (I can tell or say, that from these tablets I do not feel any by-effects). During finding-out of all analyses we did or made a break in our attitudes or relations so I have finished packing Three-ONu?a, has made a break on two cycles and has started to accept Marvelon. After the beginning of reception Marvelona before renewal of attitudes or relations has passed or has taken place weeks three. Monthly pass or take place painlessly (besides if there were delays about two weeks with these tablets a cycle absolutely exact earlier), only for pair hours before their offensive or approach I feel some gravity in the bottom of a stomach or belly, and during - insignificant *quot; ?UOyN*quot; a stomach or belly, but not a pain.

I connected or bound yeast that after antibiotics I did not accept more any preparations for their prevention or warning, and, how much or as far as I read, antibiotics reduce immunity. The gynecologist has warned me, that after a course at me will be *quot; healthy ?????a*quot;, which will pass or take place in itself. And though after a course I did not live a sexual life three months - *quot; healthy ?????a*quot; did not pass or take place. By the way, during this period I have again addressed to this gynecologist, she has advised to drink bioyogurt and has again told or said, that it is necessary for me prizhech erosion (at survey). Here then I also have gone to other gynecologist (in an out-patient department) which has not seen any erosion, have directed on the general or common smear, have appointed or nominated Pimafutsin and Nistatinum (in suppositories and tablets).

If toksicheskah erosion SHM passes or takes place for some days (as you write) the first gynecologist some months observed it or her.

I have closely read through on your site signs of various infections, but anything, except for these or it vydeleny and burning sensations, at myself have not found out. And to carry it it is unequivocal to something I can not.

Once again thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
But if you had delays on a half-month it already should guard.

With erosion in general something strange: how it or this;thus is one gynecologist it or her sees, and another - is not present? Possibly, one of them bungles: to not see erosion it is possible if to not examine only shejku in general.

01.09.2004, 19:30
So delays at me were prior to the beginning of sexual attitudes or relations, therefore I did not pay to them special attention.

And about erosion: here it in the first gynecologist also has guarded me, if she sees, and there and then another does not see, this all is similar to treatment for the sake of pumping out of money (she a private trader, its or her each action is paid, and I in medicine understand nothing, it is possible to frighten me any *quot; O??U?*quot; a word). Though she speaks, that in an out-patient department is simple konveer and there lish to get off, speak, that is healthy. But if two various doctors in an out-patient department speak: and quot; there Is there nothing. From what you have taken? *quot; - as I can not believe it or him. It agree, that in an out-patient department can poor make analyses but to not see ochividnoe...: (I not against to pay money, but it would not be desirable to lose thus health.

And my guy refuses to be treated *quot; simply Oa*quot;, without the diagnosis.

Here also I think now: is at me that, no... If to find out further, that with me, as well as on what to pay attention?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, send smears - we shall look or see, is or not.