Просмотр полной версии : ANALYSES

Whether Vishen
01.09.2004, 19:30

I have made imunofermentnyj the analysis 17.07.02

predstavlenye in such

To the table:


Parameter | OG | OGkr |anN??U*quot; e_O*quot; |


Chlamydia |1,682|0,639 | 26,3 |

Trachomas. IgG | | | |




Edenitsy *quot; e_O*quot; | |


It is less 9,0 | Negative |


9,0-11,0 | Doubtful |


It is more 11,0 | Positive |


My doctor spoke something to me,

That velechina Odinitsy *quot; e_O*quot; it is defined or determined

Through OG.No it is concrete he to me of anything

Has not told or said.

I think that there is a formula

*quot; e_O*quot; = (og/uO) *10

If in this formula to substitute

Two tsyfry from the first table that

It turns out tretjaja tsyfra.

As I have understood *quot; e_O*quot; normirovanaja

Size of antibodies in a blood which

Compare with velechinami in the second

To the table also define or determine result.

Recently 27.08.2002 after the fourth


I have handed over the analysis of a blood in another

Laboratories. Results are certain

The test systems of firm *quot; SANOF




trachomatis | IgG it is weak | |

psittaci | | |

pneumonie | |0,471 CV 0,420 |


As to me objasnili in this laboratory

My level of antibodies 0,471 is a little

It is more than digit 0,420 and consequently result


My doctor in holiday, through it or him I did or made

And I cannot show the first analysis to him

The second analysis, that he could compare them.

I see that the first analysis

And the second analysis are made on different the test

Systems, also are expressed in different tsyfrah.

Unfortunately I do not know

On what test to system the first is made

The analysis. I want that you have helped or assisted me

To compare these two analyses and have given advice or council.

Before holiday my doctor under the first analysis

Very big level at me has told or said that

Antibodies in a blood.

If to use the same

The formula as well as in the first analysis

That we receive

(0,471/0,420) *10=11,21

As if otvechet slabopolozhitelnomu

To the analysis if

To compare to the second tablitsoj results

The first analysis. As you think

Correct this formula? In fact on

To digits of the first analysis all converges.

Whether Mozhna this formula to use

For results of the second analysis? For

That what then to compare to results

The first analysis.

I to you have precisely copied tables

Analyses for that that was not

Distortions of the information.

I was treated four times, and is possible or probable

That has recovered and before delivery of the first

The analysis. But the doctor has ordered is treated as

Parameters of a semen have worsened. He to me

Spoke from nevylechenoj chlamydias

Much more there can be a harm than

Even from lishne the accepted antibiotics.

I schas cannot find the doctor,

As he in holiday. Help or assist

To compare these two analyses and give

Advice or Council.