Просмотр полной версии : HELP!!! Pregnancy after venerich. Been ill.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has caught a lues 4,5 years ago, 1 year illness or disease developed bessimtomno, 3,5 years ago after detection has begun treatment (some courses of antibiotics). 1,5 year ago from the account in KVD have removed or have taken off (after 3 times negative analysis RW) has repeated. Before planned pregnancy has decided to hand over the developed or unwrapped analysis: KSR, the REEF, RIBT, and retook some times (in DNA-center and in TSNIKVI it or him. Korolenko) - results positive!..

Very much I ask everyone who faced a similar problem, HELP or ASSIST to find the doctor for conducting pregnancy and sorts or labors!

Married 1 year, AT ALL I do not wish to tell to the husband.

It is compelled or forced to postpone very desired pregnancy, and already it seems to me, that traces from this disease will not pass or not take place never though doctors speak, that I am not sick, the child will be born healthy (probably, will have to pass or take place profilaktich. Treatment during pregnancy) - positive reactions show presence of antibodies in a blood, instead of the originator.

I shall be grateful for any information!

Irina Simonov
01.09.2004, 19:30
And you from what city? From Moscow?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, I live in Moscow.

Lyudmila With
01.09.2004, 19:30
Then to you there is a sense to address in *quot; ???????*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Similija what is it - honey. The center??? If it is possible, more particularly! The doctor is necessary for conducting pregnancy in view of the last disease for Me.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Similija is a homeopathic center. similia. (http: // similia.)

Try to address in NTS AGiP on Oparin.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jacob, thanks for the answer! In the homeopathic center in my case hardly it is meaningful to address. In the center on Oparin was once, after which desire to return there does not arise: in connection with a greater or big stream of patients the attitude or relation of doctors, to put it mildly, not so correct both close or attentive and the prices for analyses essentially above, than everywhere.

In any case, thanks for references!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, both the attitude or relation there not so and the prices not all on a pocket... But it is better than a level of doctors you anywhere will not find.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: Marg

In the homeopathic center in my case hardly it is meaningful to address.

As it is lovely! The person, does not understand a homeopathy, but firmly knows, that *quot; OOna*quot; there is no sense obrashchatsja.:) well, probably in that case really there is no sense.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: the Water-melon

Yes, both the attitude or relation there not so and the prices not all on a pocket... But it is better than a level of doctors you anywhere will not find. If the attitude or relation *quot; not ?N?y*quot;, as it is possible to hope for good result of treatment? Psychological factors in this process still nobody cancelled - though in therapy, though in gynecology.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Evgeniy, at me a question: in the homeopathic center are engaged in conducting pregnancy with delivery of a metabolic map??? In fact I wish to find the doctor not for treatment - me already treated repeatedly, and for conducting pregnancy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, I in fact not the employee *quot; ???????*quot; also I do not know in detail their rule. And into delusion you to enter I do not want. To you easier directly to contact them, the blessing at a forum is their representatives (come into section *quot; a?NaO?n*quot;).

01.09.2004, 19:30
I would like to add such remark to this discussion - in some situations there can be false positive answers RW. For example, at some autoimmune diseases. Or, as kazuistika, desjatilenijami to be saved +RW after treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for your remark, Tatyana.

At false positive results RW (that quite often happens, in particular, at pregnancy), all other reactions (more sensitive: IFA, RPGA, the REEF, RIBT) will be negative.

At me just classical RW (with a cardiolipin antigen) negative - differently me from the account in KVD would not remove or not take off.

And here IFA, the REEF, RIBT can really be saved positive very longly...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Marg, try to address on faculty of obstetrics and gynecology MMA. I heard many positive responses about their conducting various gravity beremennostej.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nika, thanks for the answer! I have looked for the information in -those about it or this honey. Establishment also has found 2 links:

1) Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology MMA it or him. Setchenov (street Elanskogo, .1)

2) Clinic of dermal and venereal illnesses or diseases MMA it or him. I.M.Setchenov (B.Pirogovskaja's street, d. 4)

You recommended the first or the second?

01.09.2004, 19:30
They are located by series, it is one structure or frame, doctors there each other know all. Perhaps, all over again it is necessary for you simply on reception to the gynecologist of Clinic to enter the name, and she will direct?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nika, I am sorry for boreness, and the concrete doctor in MMA will not advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You know, I went there only on reception to the endocrinologist, and she now in the decree has left. And so more at all I do not know. At me there gave birth or travailled girlfriends, all pregnancy conducted or order there. All are happy or enough, like, and the attitude or relation too. More I can tell or say nothing.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Nika, thanks!!!