Просмотр полной версии : Ways of transfer of a gonorrhea

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear experts, in advance I apologize, if this question has already filled

Nausea, however search of the answer I have not found.

Whether it is possible or probable transfers of a gonorrhea not sexual by (pool, a bath, joint

Towel, etc.)? What method it is better to hand over the analysis on specified

Disease and through what term after the termination or ending of reception of antibiotics.

Very much I ask to not disregard.

Yours faithfully, Genb gthtlfxb ujyjhtb

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is considered, that transfer by the ways specified by you is improbable because of instability gonokokka in an environment. See, for example, http: // www.venerologia.ru/venerologia/gonorea.htm, http: // www.venerolog.com/gonoreya2.shtml. Inspection - PTSR or crop, not earlier than month after the termination or ending of treatment. More delalno this question is better for discussing with venereologists.