Просмотр полной версии : The control izlechennosti chlamydias

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prompt. I am now treated for a clamidiosis + a candidiasis. In 3 days I finish 1-st course of treatment. The second will begin with offensive or approach of a following cycle. It somewhere in the extremity or end of March. Also course of treatment I will be prolonged so I understand weeks two, that is till March, 15th. In the beginning of June I plan to hand over check analysises. Very much I want the child, we so it is long with the husband postponed. And here everywhere speak on a miscellaneous in occasion of the control izlechennosti, my doctor to me has told or said, that a method of DNA it is necessary to check izlechennost not less than in 6 months after treatment, somewhere read, that the first control over month, and further in a month 2 times. I in a shock. We with the husband so planned to conceive the child in the summer, and here it is necessary still or 3 months or in general 6 to wait. Prompt as to be? What time to wait and whether it is possible after the first control over June to begin? Has put still that before I was on a regular basis checked by a method of DNA in different labolatorijah and the last was on December, 15th 2003 (all infections negatively), and in the middle of February 2004 have diagnosed - the clamidiosis though in the partner it is assured also he of the extremity or end of January was checked, anything is not present. In the extremity or end of February, I and the husband once again handed over on a chlamydia in another labolatorii, are not found out. But I for reinsurance am flied or treated, in fact and kandidy is.