Просмотр полной версии : Inflammation and pains

01.09.2004, 19:30

Would like to consult to you. At me a following situation: approximately one month ago began to disturb allocation from a vagina with a smell, on time it has coincided with a serious virus infection at the child.

Right after monthly has gone to the doctor, has handed over analyses of a blood and urine and a smear. Survey has shown augmentation of the left ovary and morbidity right at survey. Analyses as the doctor has told or said, quite good, are raised or increased leucocytes. Diaznoz: an inflammation of appendages. Following preparations have been appointed or nominated: Flemoksin 500 - 10 days, sikozhinoks - 10 days, diclofenac are rectal - 6 days, Polyvitaminums.

After the beginning of treatment there were pains in inguinal area on the right, giving in a leg or foot, pains in the field of kidneys from both parties or sides, a nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly. After treatment of allocation have not stopped, though and became it is less; the pain in inguinal area became a constant: not strong, pulling, burning, gives to the right leg or foot so, that the leg or foot grows dumb; a constant dyscomfort: that pulls a stomach or belly hurts in the field of kidneys hurts at the left.

After survey the doctor has told or said, that nothing has changed and has appointed or nominated -procedures and nyxes Plasmolum. The diagnosis: a chronic bilaterial adnexitis. In occasion of pains of anything it has not been told or said.

This very day was on consultation at other doctor. She has diagnosed: a subacute unilateral adnexitis at the left; on the right an ovary in norm or rate, a uterus small (though I gave birth or travailled), shejka in norm or rate, allocation are present. Has appointed or nominated nyxes TSikloferon, Aevitum, suppositories with Ichthyolum it is rectal, wads with Indovazinom on an ovary and at once on ultrasound. In occasion of a pain on the right has told or said, what is it there can be an intestine. Constipations I do not suffer, more likely on the contrary. During reception of an antibiotic there was a small diarrhea. About 5 years ago I already had pains in this place, but not such strong, the gynecologist has found nothing also all somehow itself has passed or has taken place.


To what doctor to believe? Though I am inclined to obey the last but the matter is that I have read through, that Indovazin only for naruzhnego application.

What for a pain on the right? Whether it Can hurt or be ill;be sick an intestine and to what doctor to address in this occasion?

Why hurts in the field of kidneys? Whether can give it an ovary or it all the same kidneys?

Many thanks!